2/40 - Be On TV!!

When I began my 40 before 40 list, this was not on it!  I certainly never thought I'd ever be on TV.  This was a neat experience though, and it was fun to be on TV!  I'd totally do it again.

When Rachel, from Meals On Wheels called to ask me if I'd help out, I said yes.  Of course I said yes, I love telling people how great Meals On Wheels is.  I didn't really know what I was saying yes to, but I'm always up! 

In fairness she did tell me I would be on AM Buffalo, I was just uninformed on what that meant!  I don't watch much TV at all.  I had no idea it was our local morning show.  In fact, I sort of thought I would be on the radio!  It wasn't until I looked it up that I realized it was TV! 

No matter.  I was still up for it, but now with a little more anxiety... and an awareness that what I wear DOES matter in the case of TV!  Good thing I didn't show up in my yoga pants! 

I didn't really think about it being live either.  When I did consider that, I got butterflies!  Not sure that I would be good with a single chance/take!  I'm a spaz, let's just say that.  Sometimes I don't complete my sentences, I dart from topic to topic, I use my hands to communicate, etc.

The morning of, I arrived at the studio early.  I was taken back to where they do the morning show.  I met some people, met with the Meals on Wheels gals and waited for our segment.  It was neat to see behind the scenes, to watch how it all works.  It was very interesting.

When our segment was on we put our wires on, sat on our couch and started.  Linda asked questions and we answered. 

It went fast, it went smooth and was over quickly!

Watching it back, there are, of course things that I'd like to say differently, or add.  Linda emphasized a few times how great volunteering is for the kids.  Yes, it is, it has taught them some great stuff.

Really though, the majority of volunteering is me.  My kids may see me doing it and join in on occasion, they may even learn and benefit from me volunteering, but that really has little to do with why I do it!  It is me with these clients.  I am the one reaching out, I am giving of my precious time - which goes really fast during the day - and I am really the one who is rewarded.  And it is rewarding.  That is why I do it.  Not out of obligation, not out of pity, not to be an example, or teach anyone anything.  I do it because it is rewarding to me.

Volunteering in this capacity is a way to enlarge my circle of influence.  It is most important to matter in my home, that is largely the identity of a mother and I do value that above all else.  But it is also rewarding to matter outside of my family circle, outside of my church circle, outside of my friend circle.  It is rewarding to extend that, in such a small but meaningful way, to others who I may not associate with otherwise.

 That is why I give of my time in this capacity.  It is satisfying and rewarding.

If you didn't catch it, here is our clip from the show.  Again, I had so much fun!  I would totally do it again.  This was a great new thing to experience!  I'm glad Meals on Wheels reached out to me and I'm glad I said yes!