I'm Thankful For You - Free Printable Tags

Tis the season to be thankful.  Share your thanks with others around you!



I created these cute printable tags.  Print them off, write a note on the back, and attach them to any little gift.  Give that gift to someone as a thanks!

I love our dry cleaning delivery guy.  I don't even know his name (must correct this).  Every time he delivers or picks up on Monday, he brings up the garbage cans from the road.  Isn't that the nicest thing ever?  I think so!  He totally doesn't have to do it, but goes the extra mile, to be kind.

I will attach this little bag of chocolates to our next delivery.  I wrote a little note thanking him for being so nice, on the back.

I have a girlfriend who is pretty fantastic and I got her a special little treat!  I wrote her a thanks on the back and attached it to her little bag of treats.

It is good to be thankful for things.  It's even better to be thankful for people.  The best of all is to communicate that gratitude with them, if just in the smallest of ways.  We all like to feel needed and thanked.

Download your sheet of 'thank you' tags and give some gratitude away!