5 Things Friday - Eating, Unfulfilled Desires and Wants

Welcome to Five Things Friday.

Friday's here are dedicated to keeping a record, in the tiniest of snippets, if need be.
It seems the big moments hold place quite easily, it's the little everyday things that slip right out of memory, unless they are recorded somehow.

I love to write, to journal.  I always have.  Do you?
If you struggle with what to write I invite you to join in.  Use these prompts to tell and record your own life story.

5 things I won't eat
- Seafood/sushi... anything that comes from an ocean, lake or stream!
- Doughnuts... so not worth the calories - ever!
- Mushrooms... just... ew!
- Spaghetti... gross, no matter who cooks it I am so over spaghetti.  I don't eat it!
- Cold soup... (gazpacho) soup should be served hot.  The end.

5 unfulfilled desires:
- One more child
- Dancing professionally
- The skydiving experience
- Cooper circle
- Seeing the world

5 wants for my kids:
- New bikes
- New trampoline
- Piano lessons
- Our own gym...
- Fun lake toys.  How fun do these look?

Family happenings:
- I went in to read to O's class, to celebrate his birthday.  He is in the allergy room, so they don't do treats.  He got to open a bag I had prepared for him, then I came in to read a book we donated to his classroom.  Sometimes I think the birthdays are out of control.  I really like this new tradition.

- I brought Angela with me to do Meals on Wheels.  We strapped her little boy in the car and went to deliver meals.  She signed up after we were done.  I love it!  It was so fun to introduce her to my MOW friends, and I was touched that some of them were concerned I was going somewhere.  Have I said how much I love MOW?

- I got one day, ONE DAY, not even that, with Damita.  They were visiting from TX.  I've written about her here and here.  It was so good to see her AND be with her little man.  Oh I just love him!  He has grown so much and is so stinkin' cute!  He laughs at random, it makes me so happy.  His mom and pops are super funny, I guess you would just learn to laugh at random!

We hit the Original Pancake House for brunch.  D loves this monster Dutch Baby!

We went to the mall, saw the outside of our new house, took pictures, played with the baby, visited, caught up, laughed.  It was fabulous.

My kids loved this little man.  He is part of our family now! 

Again, love this girl.  Love seeing her as a mom, in this new role.  She is great at it!

Also this week:
- I've been painting outside, getting ready for final walk through.
- Running in new shoes!
- Watched K's kids and visited at the park with Melissa.
- Cafeteria duty.
- Lunch with Molly.  We ate at the park, then lay on the grass, in the sun.  
- Such beautiful weather.
- M is amazing, climbing still.
- Dentist for me to correct a broken filling.
- Kids are outside all afternoon and evening.  LOVE it!
- Jump, jump, jump on the trampoline.
- Breakfast celebration with these beautiful ladies.  One of them will have her baby today!  

Join me!
What are your 5 on Friday?
Either link up or share in my comments!
I'd love to hear about you.