There is much to catch up on...
I did record our Utah trip as I went.  It is written in a notepad that I can just go in and add the pictures to.  It is about the only consistent record I keep each year!

So, I'll start with today.

This morning I met Molly and we went cycling.  I was nervous that she'd kick my butt, but we were paced nicely with each other.  It was a good ride, although we went early and I was FREEZING!!!  You can get away with running in the cold because your body produces enough heat to maintain you.  Cycling you are getting too much chill from the speed... freezing!  Loved it though, we'll keep doing that Tuesday mornings!

The kids put together an obstacle course today.  The McAfee Ninja Warrior!  They watched the final this morning.  M and I started watching that before I left, the kids finished it up with us.  It's a fun show.  They timed each other and cheered each other.  They've got the weights down there and are exercising together.  Love it!

E fell and hurt himself.  Sometimes when he screams I ask him to blow in my face... take deep breathes.  He was crying and said, mom I need to take deep breaths!  OK I said!  It was cute!

He is being an absolute rock star with potty training!  Hardly any work for me!  That is the benefit for waiting so long I guess.  Only a couple of times has he had wet underwear.  And all of the kids are cheering him on and so proud of him.  I love it!  He needs that support because he has been SO adverse to going on the potty!

O has been way into Pokemon since we've been home.  G have him some cards and everyday he wants to a Pokemon coloring page.  He colors and cuts them out and has a collection going upstairs.  He was very into drawing when we left, not so much anymore.  Makes me sad, he's sit and draw for long periods of time.

G has been way off duty since we've been home, meaning to get him to do normal stuff like make his bed and put away his toothbrush... even brushing his teeth, he needs to be reminded several times.  Ugh!  That hopefully gets better when school starts again.  He's loved being reunited w/ his bike and is all about speed right now.

Q has a new project for dad, making American Girl furniture.  He's committed to it and I think it will be fun for them to work on together.  She's very excited. 

Tara offered her pool for an Activity Day swim party.  The girls of course had a great time and it was easy for me!  I'd like a pool some day.

Got laundry done today, must vacuum... dust bunnies everywhere.  Need to get school supplies, figure out my dance schedule, plan an end of summer bbq, make some phone calls, but that will all have to wait until tomorrow.