The Weekend

We had a great weekend.

Friday we all went to G's baseball game. He's been playing well. He had some great hits this game. The fields are more quiet on a Friday night, but those bugs were out in full fury! Thank heavens I saw my neighbor Mary, she had bug spray on her, unfortunately it didn't work so well. All of us came home dotted w/ bug bites, blasted mosquito's.

Saturday was a full, busy day. Matt and I did date morning since our evenings were full. We dropped the kids off at 9 and went on a 2.5 hour bike ride. It was SO fun! I really enjoyed being out there w/ my man. We started in Pendelton and followed the river clear down to the Niagra River. We haven't ridden bikes together since we were dating. I've not had a bike! It was beautiful, relaxing and even a bit of a workout. We must do this more. I'd love for us to get a kayak or canoe also. I'd love to learn to row, but even casually being out on the water w/ a canoe or kayak would be glorious!

After our date I got showered then headed to get my pitts waxed! I got quite the discount, actually I got my pitts sugared. It stung a bit, but is so worth it! Love having bald pitts!

Next I got G's gift ready, all of his gear packed up, along w/ my photo shoot stuff. I took G to a bday party at the hockey rinks. He has been dying to get on the ice. He's gotten good at rollerblading. He was sure he'd be ready to go out there and play a match! I tried to soften the expectation for him, it feels different, give yourself a minute to learn, the ice is different. He was so eager to be out there w/ all of his buddies though. He was stoked for this party! We got him skates and laced him up and headed out onto the ice. The mother at the party took him out w/ all of the other kids. He got a cone to start w/, but only had that for a total of 30 seconds. It took him about a minute to get it! I got a bit teary eyed watching him. He amazes me. He WANTS to skate, so he WILL! While I was there he didn't fall at all, but he said he did a few times. He never lets that get him down though, he gets up and keeps going until he has it. I so admire that about him. He is gifted in many ways. I think mind over matter got him out there going. No fear, only joy! He had a ball!

I ran a few errands while he was there. Dropped bows at the studio, hit Old Navy. Picked my boy up and ran him home, then met my clients for our shoot. They were great and I enjoyed the shoot. It felt good to come home and relax on the couch!

Sunday we went to church. G had a game. The missionaries came to give us a message. I got some crafting done, I've been working on some felt flowers. I'm hoping to sell stuff at the run throughs for CSDS.

Monday I got up early and ran. My leg is doing much better. Not 100% yet, but good enough to run on it. I ran 8 miles. I've got to get going on my big miles or I won't be ready for this marathon. My next venture will be a triathlon now that I have my bike. It was odd when we were riding on Saturday. It had only been a week since I'd been on my first ride. It feels like I've had it forever!

We got ready and headed out to Woodlawn beach w/ the C's and Olga. We had a GREAT time! The weather was wonderful. We all came home sun kissed and tired! The kids didn't fight at all, in fact G said, mom this is the only place on earth the boys don't fight w/ each other! They were all so good. There is so much to do, there is no time for fighting!

I went and got my car washed, grabbed a few things at the grocery store then we headed to the C's for a BBQ. The perfect evening. We showered all the kids and all hit the beds hard last night! I'm still feeling it a little today! I am toasty red too! It was a fabulous weekend, great to be together and with good friends.

Today I have been crafting, got the laundry done, had the Musqueda kids over, made a new dinner. Q has been so great w/the boys as of late, very caring and helpful. She has been doing 'art classes' w/ them, where they color and make creations out of play dough and let them dry. They all came up to show me what they made and I'm quite impressed! She is a wonderful little girl, it means so much to me when she is a loving leader. It is helpful to have her do things w/ the boys like play dough. I don't love the stuff! Thank goodness she does!

O can't get enough of drawing and coloring right now. His poor knees are so beat up, he seems to be having trouble walking outside!

I loved listening to E play on his own today. He had the little astronaut toys out and was having them talk to each other, total imaginative play. I had to separate those two today, the fighting! It does them good to play in separate rooms occasionally!

At this point O hasn't gotten into pre-K. I pray we get in! I can't imagine another year like this!