Failing Miserably...

I made a goal to update this twice a week, ummm nope!  My goal was actually to update one of my blog's a day!  So, twice a week for each of them!Let's see if I can do it this week.

I want to record the potty training journey of this little boy!
He has been a rockstar!  I'm sure that mostly is because I prefer to wait until my children are ready/have a concept of their bodies!  It is so much easier on me, and let's face it, easier on me is BETTER!

We started before school let out and O was not thrilled about trying the underwear.  We started small, just in the mornings, and since he didn't want to try underwear I let him roam free!  He of course peed on my floor a couple of times and was surprised at himself! 

He didn't want to sit on the toilet.  E was actually fine w/ that, so I gave him a treat, and with competition on my side O wanted to participate!

We were not so consistent and with my nearing trip to UT I didn't push it hard, I didn't want to potty train on vacation... hello!  We talked about it plenty on vacation.

When we got home I was a little timid!  Not quite ready to start, but just had to.  He did good, I would ask him all too often if he had to go and he'd tell me no.  I was sure he was holding it and would have a huge accident, but he knew what he was doing.  He had a couple of accidents at first and the first couple of days we retreated to the diaper in the evenings.  BUT, it took him just a couple of successful hits on the toity, complete with potty dance and reward, and he was hooked!  He was great!  He would tell me when he had to go and leave enough time to get there!  This whole time I can only think of a couple of accidents he's had, playing outside, not wanting to come in.

Now the fecal matter... because it's always a different matter!  He went in his underwear the first couple of times.  I'm sure it takes a minute to figure that all out!  The third time he was on, and off, and on, then successful! 

This is where it gets funny!  You know how you can look into the clouds on a lazy summer day and see images floating by?  Well O was seeing things in his poop!  He was so excited the first time he went, and I was too!  His eyes were huge and he said... mom... I made a carrot!  I laughed so hard!  Well yes you did!  Way to go!  That takes some skill people!  His next was a snake at which point he told me he was going to make an elephant (ouch) and a zebra!  Anyone who knows this child knows how his excitement shows... this was exciting for him!  He loved the 5 M&M's and the sticker.

Now he needs no reward, he goes when he needs.  I'll occasionally get called in for something really great, but for the most part poo is just poo now!

I'm proud of my boy, and thankful he has made this so easy on me!

Now we'll need to practice the whole art of standing... later!

Side note: E was all about this before we went to UT.  I lost my window.  He's not interested now!  I'll wait a few months then try again with him.
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