'Tis the season...

For birthday's that is!
Yesterday was Matt's 34th birthday!
Happy birthday my love!
We got him a nice fire pit. Now if we can just get winter to leave...

34 things I love about this man...
1-he makes me laugh
2-he has beautiful blue eyes
3-he holds me
4-he is calm
5-he puts us, his family, first
6-he says 'babeeeeeee' in high pitched voice
7-he has this whit that is like lightning, making most conversations full of laughter
8-he is good at looking at things from all different angles
9-he is handy... and likes it when I help him
10-he is hot
11-he is deeply devoted
12-his brain retains the most random... and important things
13-he watches 'girly' shows with me on occasion
14-he looks at the stars with his G
15-he teases and pesters his little Q
16-he wrestles and tosses his O
17-he is SUCH a good father... his kids adore him
18-he cheers me on and supports things I enjoy doing
19-he always kisses me when he comes home
20-he likes to slow the TV when Kara D from AI talks, just because she bothers me
21-he has a tender heart
22-he is sympathetic
23-he likes to go places
24-he lets me put my cold feet on him when I'm freezing at night
25-he does the dishes
26-he is a leader
27-he is humble
28-how he opens his jacket for me to wrap my arms around him
29-he is practical
30-he is smart with our money
31-he is sarcastic
32-he goes to the grocery store for me
33-he is willing to compromise
34-he is patient with me

I am seriously in love with my man. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. With him I find all happiness and peace. He fills my life with joy and relief, satisfaction and stability, laughter and learning. I am so glad we are on our journey together. I couldn't ask for anything better. Love you babe.