And another one

Today is O's birthday.
It's amazing what one year will do...

This little boy is one today! We will have a little celebration tonight.
We LOVE our O.
His little smile and his bright blue eyes light up my days.
He loves baby einstien videos, big person food, crawling around, pulling up on everything, practicing his balancing. He loves when dad flips him and throws him on the bed. He loves peek-a-boo. He has such a cute laugh and a cute little gap between his top two teeth.
He is growing and changing and has needed some time to adjust to the addition of his little brother.
He is intense. He gets so excited and his eyes get so big. He lifts his feet off the ground while sitting and clenches his fists. It's so funny, and very similar to Q when she was little.
We love our boy. He is so much fun right now. I love to watch him grow to discover who he is becoming.
Happy birthday Zozee.