One Little Word Progress - Purpose of Running and Racing

The first assignment for OLW has given me reason to think and ponder.

It is good to break apart the pieces of my life to make some clarifications, to define purpose and necessity.

I'm still working on all of those pieces to complete my first assignment, which I do intend to share here.

Today I will share this piece that I did finish. 
A large element in my life is running, and also racing, not a ton, but a few times a year.
I've also added to that swimming and cycling, with the added element of Triathalons.

Every year I do this.  My sweet family supports me.  Sometimes it takes a good amount of training time to work for what I want.

As I review things in my life and their purpose it was good to clarify this element, to put into words it's necessity for me.  For others it may be something to easily lift out.  It would certainly allow room for other things.  But, this thing does serve a purpose for me.  It stays.  And, since it stays it receives focus, purpose, to help me be even more successful at it.

I went further to make some statements for myself.  Intentions that I have for this year too.

This is good, to share this now, after the holidays and time off and more food than usual!!!
Purpose - Moving fulfills a purpose for me!