FYI... You Aren't Old Until You Hit 40!

We were bantering back and forth, getting ready to watch a movie yesterday and E let it slip out of his mouth that I was 'old'!!!

They all laughed, eyes wide, like he said a bad word or something!  I told him that it's ok, I don't mind being 'old'!!!

He quickly rescinded and told me I'm not old... 40 is old!

Well, ok then!  Thank heavens I have a few more years until I'm old!

I've thought about aging, this week especially with my mom here, as we visit about health and age among other things.

I don't perceive aging to be easy, but I have seen it modeled to be quite fine, and in it's own rite a wonderful time of life.

I feel neither young or old, but happy, present and appreciative for life, health, learning and perspective.

This is my Christmas Sunday outfit.
Funny story about this skirt, speaking of age and such...

I've been going through all sorts of things as of late. 
I've gone through all of the toys as well as the dress ups. 
It was going through the girl dress up clothes that I saw this pink skirt.  
My friend Kristy gave it to us, along with some other fancy things.  
She gave it to us thinking Q would use it as dress ups, which she has done, and it has been shoved into our dress up bin, and brought out when the girls play.

Never did I think to pull this out for myself... until I went through the dress ups!!!
What a fun skirt this would be for a fancy occasion!
I tried it on, just for fun.
Wouldn't you know it fit!!!  
I put this outfit together for church, pairing my new fancy skirt with a striped sweater and poofy belt, to tone it down a little.

Don't mind the wrinkles, yes I totally wore to church straight out of the dress up bin!
I've since decided it's mine now and had it dry cleaned!!!
Q can have it again when she fits into it!!! :)
I did feel pretty with my long poofy skirt!