Falling, Multitasking and First Communion x 3

I got up early to run this morning, yea for me!
I tripped on the sidewalk at around mile 2... totally biffed it hard!  I'm all sorts of scrapped up!  (photos on Monday)
It was a 'special' moment!
But, dangit... I woke up early for this...so I ran another 4.5 miles and completed a shorter tempo workout!
I just close my eyes and shake my head at myself sometimes.

AND how 'bout this multitasking moment...
boys in shower, eating soup for dinner while putting away last of laundry, then vacuuming our room.
That's a new one, even for me!

A couple of weeks ago I joined this family for a while to capture this special time in these triplet's lives...
Check out the full post on my Photography Blog...