Us Lately...

Alright, I have missed way too many Saturday's!
Here is a look at our family lately, but first a couple of randoms.

We just took down these window jellies today... in total fairness winter hasn't completely decided to leave, even though April is almost over!  

We really like the taste of Tostitos salsa, however no one in my family likes the 'chunks' so I buy the big jug of salsa and pour it into the blender...

A little puree to salsa perfection!  Seriously I think a good 40% of my salsa goes to waste if I don't puree it!

Last weekend was beautiful!  We came home from FL to warmth and sunshine.  It was totally random, but so welcome!

G has started baseball.  Today was his first game... which got rained out!
While sitting in the dugout a guy asked M why we all live here!  So many of us are frustrated with our weather, but it really has been weird and bad all over the nation.
This particular day last week was heavenly.  I snapped a few of my two boys playing catch.  
G is a great pitcher.  We need to work on his hitting this year.

He warned me not to stand behind dad, he's lobbed a few... but I didn't get hit!  He threw well!

Last weekend M also put up our trampoline!  Yea!  The kids have been in heaven!
It is right up by our deck because the yard is still a giant pond!  Hopefully it will dry out before June!

E loved having his collar up like a vampire.  He totally would have worn his shirt to church that way if I'd have let him!!!

The kids were home Monday so we went to Target.  G spent all of his birthday money.  He bought Lego Star Wars stuff.  And, the good kid that he is, let his little brother have some money too, to also buy Lego Star Wars stuff.  We looked at shoes, toys, bought pop corn and a smoothie.  
I don't love to take all of the kids to store, mostly because they don't like it, but we had fun!

M surprised us and came home early.  After dinner he lit a fire and we had s'mores.
This is the only way to do a s'more... I'm telling you, these cookies have the perfect amount of graham and chocolate, put a fluffy, roasted mallow on there and it is sooo good!  
This time I also tried these coconut dreams, that was yum too!
We all smelled like fire.  It was a delight.  We have plenty of wood to burn, so this will be a weekly occurrence... given it stops raining!

E got this wood helicopter kit a long time ago.  A friend of his had a birthday party and he was sick, couldn't go.  
This week he decided it was time to build it.  I got out our wood glue and we figured it out.  He loved putting it together, then he painted it!  We were so proud of his work!  
He is very serious when he works on stuff like this, or coloring.  He wants to do well.  You can see the focus in his cute face.  He wanted to make it just like the picture and as I showed him how to hold the helicopter so he could paint it, he was sure to tell me not to paint this black or that blue!  Love it!
Oh, and don't mind my cheetah jammies that I'm still in!

Also this week: 
- I decided not to paint the dining room, instead went through and filled holes and touched up paint.  That room is ready for selling!
- Went through boys clothes.  I had bought a bunch of stuff at Target, then later this week went through bins.  I have a ton of stuff for the boys this year.  I won't have any for next year, I assume G wore the same things for two years, he grows slow!  Took all the Target stuff back!  My budget likes that!
- I moved some mirrors around, I'll show that.  I had bought a large mirror for my new dining room, now we are talking moving so I'm leaving this dining room as is... what to do w/ that mirror.  I found it a spot!
- M went to Boston for work.  E seemed to miss him most this time.
- The boys all had birthday parties.
- Had some parent discussion with our girl, had to make some new Ipad rules...  You know we wouldn't have some of these issues if the blasted Ipad was not in our home... it is school owned, all the 5th graders got them this year.  I am still a little resistant to this issue.  If I wanted her to have one, I'd buy it for her... Anyway, it has been an adjustment to have this in our home and determine rules etc.  It is just easier to not go there, not have it, which we wouldn't normally.  
- Thursday night I climbed up to the top bunk to snuggle O, which I don't normally do.
After a couple of minutes E asked, 'Mom when are you coming down, I'm afraid this bed will break on me, if that bed breaks I will die.'  I climbed down and he was half way asleep!  He couldn't give in until he knew he wouldn't die in his sleep!

Q: Do you have a fire pit?
Q: Appropriate age for an Ipad?
Q: Do you have pajama sets or just wear sweats to bed?