Bacon, Healthy Hearts and Festive Pillows

Happy Valentines Day!

I do love Valentines Day.  How about you?

I was at the dentist this week, getting my crown put on, I'm a princess twice now...

Making small talk with the ladies, I asked the hygienist if she had a Valentine, if she had plans...

She mentioned what they were doing and then she said she wanted to make her man a bacon bouquet!

I was like, what?  Bacon bouquet?  Is that a real thing?  The internet says so, look!

Well I told her I had a story for her about bacon!  I then proceeded to tell her my

bacon necklace story

from last year.  I choked on my saliva, as I chortled to myself... bacon necklace!

Both my dentist and hygienist were totally impressed as I told the story.

They thought I was a rock star for a minute, dancing around in my lingerie and bacon necklace, because that is as far as I got in the story before I had to stop talking.

When dear dentist took her hands out of my mouth I told them what actually happened.

They cheered me on for the thought and we decided the next bacon progression could be like a bacon bikini, or


.  How would that be?  Like edible underwear only it's bacon.  What man


love that!?  Man, someday I'll be rich with these thoughts! :)

Question: Does your man buy you lingerie?  Since we have traveled down this path anyway...

Mine never has.  Early in our marriage he attempted to buy me clothes and we both felt that was an idea only to be executed once! :)  But never lingerie.  Hmmm. 

Thoughts?   Do you like him to?  Would you like him to?  No thanks?  How do you feel about it?

My personal feelings, (aside from the fact that I don't think husband has the faintest what size bra I wear, unless he could tell the clerk at the store using a cupping motion with his hands... did I say cupping?  That might confuse the clerk as well, implying that I actually have breast tissue...)

I digress! 

My personal feelings... I wouldn't mind so much if the husband bought me some lingerie, in fact I think I might like it!  We like to be desired don't we?  This is one way to express that... I wonder if he'd come home with something bacon flavored! :)

Today I am having some girls over for brunch, I am packing clothing and getting our Valentine surprise ready for the kids.  What is our surprise?

We are going to DISNEYWORLD? 

We leave Saturday morning!!!!!  YeAAAAAAAAAAA!

We plan to tell them today, we've been so good keeping our secret.

Needless to say there is a whole bunch of work ahead of us today.

Here is a fun and festive Valentine-ish look.

If there weren't a million feet of snow outside I'd wear these cute little red shoes with this.

Here is what I've been working on...

Made some printable labels for the Healthy Heart party in O's kindergarten class...

I made some temporary Valentine décor by adding felt stickers and fabric to my living room pillows.

I decorated some candles with washi tape and other scrapbook tape...

I'll share our Valentine's décor next post... right now I need to prep for our big news tonight!

I hope you have a LOVEly day!