What I Wore... To Church... Link Party

We know I love Sunday's for many reasons... one is simply that I love to dress up, get fancy!
I don't primp up, during the week, as much as I do on Sunday.
It seems that I was on a red streak for several weeks.
I recently wore this outfit I posted earlier this week.  I had to re-work it a little to fit me better.
I also recently wore this...

It's quite the simple look, classic.  Sometimes simple is a breath of fresh air.

 A nice wool, pleated skirt with a wide neck, short waisted sweater.  I went with simple accessories so nothing overpowered anything else.

I paired it with fishnet tights and my faux silk booties.

Let's link up... show us what you wear to church... or if you aren't church going folk, something you wear that others could wear to church!
It's Sunday, after all!  Enjoy your day!

Be sure to follow along via GFC or Bloglovin' and please link back to me somehow!  Thanks.
Perspective} WIW to church  
<a href="ccmcafeeperspective.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae152/themacmomma/linkup_zpsa876e151.png" alt="Perspective} WIW to church" width="125" height="125" /></a>