I Need Some Discipline!

I started writing in my running log yesterday and this is how I started...
Where have I been?
On the couch, watching TV!

I decided to go ahead and make my confessions here and just leave my running log that, a running log.

I have been running up to 3x week, but not a day over that... and some weeks only 1x week.  And my mileage?  Er, um, just embarrassing!

Not proud of that... and really huffing as I start running!

I have had a good break/binge/lazyfest.  I am done being ridiculously less than I am!
More than the cushion I can feel growing on my body, the thing that begins to frustrate me most is my lack of discipline.  That is not who I am, and when I'm not living with drive and purpose I don't feel as happy.

Self discipline is an incredibly rewarding thing.

Time to jump back on the wagon!  I want to lose 10-15 lbs, get back to feeling and behaving my ideal.
I am setting a goal to get down 5 in the next few weeks before our trip to Florida.
I can do it, shouldn't be too hard.  The solution for me is simple, move more, eat smarter...

The worst habit I've adopted as of late is staying up late, snacking as I watch TV.  I'm sure I'm the only one who does this!!! :) 

I don't want to watch TV during the day, night time is the only time I don't feel I'm wasting time... after the kids have gone to bed!  And is it so wrong to have a little treat as I enjoy my shows?  PS... I've totally started watching 'Revenge' on Netflix... addicted... like, up at 2am addicted!

This is where I get all of my calories, because I truly do eat well during the day!

I must stop the madness!  I can't give up sugar, I love it, but I have found that eating my sugar after lunch is the best time for me to eat it.  If I let myself have it after dinner, or especially when I sit down to indulge on my show, I indulge way too much!  We've all heard that right?  I'm no different!

The great thing... I have the power to change things I don't like!

Speaking of indulging.  Last week I got myself some new running shoes.  Always a treat!
I went with these, Suacony Rapture.  Doesn't that name just make you feel like you're running in a romance novel?
I love running in Saucony Kinvara's, but since I'm mostly treadmill running, I thought I'd try a whole new model.
I've taken them out a few times and like them.  They have more cushion than the Kinvara, but are still super lightweight and the heel/toe drop is similar to what I'm used to.

In other news, we did it... we joined the JCC (Jewish Community Center).
We went there together as a family on Saturday.  I took the kids to the pool while M worked out and he took them to the gym while I worked out.

I tried the rowing machine for the first time.  I liked that.  I like the swishing sound of the water it made.  Do you know I totally want to be on a rowing team, or buy my own row boat!  Totally interested in that!

While in the pool I took the opportunity to swim a few laps.  It felt good.  I've missed swimming.  This may be why I'm most excited about this membership.  That and I can finally get some good lifting in for my legs.

Anyhoo, I went ahead and made a few purchases for myself...
A lap counter to wear on your finger.  This will help me immensely, I always lose count of my laps.  My brain will really enjoy going into auto mode!  I'll let you know how I like it.
I also got some new goggles, my other ones keep leaking water.  I'd tighten them, but I tied them all funky in the back and it is just not worth it.  I'll pay a few buck for some new ones.
On my wish list is some sort of water MP3 player.  Did you even know these existed?  I didn't until my brother told me this summer while I was in UT.  They just attach to your cap, or this sony one just goes in your ears and away you go, jamming as you swim!  Want it!
It feels good to be motivated again!  Chub be gone!
Do you like to swim?