Birthday time... 3/27

G turns 8 today
Favorite color... purple
fruit... banana w/o brown spots!
toy... the wii
show... any sports game, hockey mostly
lunch... pb&j
game... chess
snack... cheese crackers
animal... snake
song... Party Rock Anthem
book... Harry Potter (reading now)
best friend... Peter, Simon, Rohan
outside... basketball, ride bike
drink... grape soda
movie... Chronicles of Narnia
dinner... shells and cheese
holiday... Christmas
grow up... sports player
dinner on birthday... mcdonalds... no way! We'll hit Red Robin!
3 fav things: sports, friends, family

We love our G!  He is such a great brother.  He is silly, smart, sensitive, talented, obedient, active.
He is growing so fast and we are so proud of the boy he is.

E turns 3 today
Favorite color... orange
fruit... bananas, oranges, apples, peaches
toy... puzzles, loves the leapster
show... Umizoomi, Mike the Knight, Power Rangers
lunch... quesodillas, nuggets/fries
game... likes to play on the 'puter'. plays games on Nick Jr, Starfall and Fisher Price
snack... cheese sticks and pepperoni
animal... zebra
song... Dynomite best
friend... Tyce, Owen
outside... 'bumpoline', Diego bike, chalk
drink... water
movie... Toy Story (all of them)
dinner... he is such a good eater, he'll eat just about anything!

We love our Zemmie.  He pesters, laughs, loves adventure, and eating, loves puzzles and movies.  He's not quite obedient, but is quickest to say sorry.  He is the perfect addition to our family and we love this little boy!
We had a great day celebrating these two. I hope to post that soon!