Oh Normal Life...

Oh, normal life how I miss you!

I have worked hard... consistently, more in the last two weeks, than I have ever at any other time in my life...

Packing things, cleaning new house, hauling stuff over, cleaning old house, dinner, laundry, the big move, cleaning old house again, unpacking new house, getting last bits from old house...  Now, even though I have no energy left I have a whole house to unpack, organize and decorate!

It may take me all summer!

We will never move ourselves again!  What a pain!

I turned over our keys to our old house today.  I said goodbye to that place.  It made me cry a little.  Bitter/Sweet.

I have much to share about this process, but wanted to check in with this little delight of my life.

At the end of each day I spend a little time in this room... one of my happy places... my closet.
It is still a mess... everywhere is, but OH MY GOSH, I can't wait to have ALL of my stuff in ONE place!

Molly said to me, "I don't think I really ever appreciated how much clothing you have!"
True, true.

When I am all out of time and energy I put my clothes away and start to organize my closet!  This is my 'me' time right now.  I can't even get started on my office.