Beach Time and Alligators

The bottle of AloeVera is 1/4 gone this morning!
We are crispy critters after yesterday!

I got up and went for a run. 
Sand, humidity and heat all were factors in my slower time, which I don't love, but who cares? Right?  I was running on the beach! 
I ran 5 miles, then stretched, alone, just me, the sand, the morning sun, and the waves lapping.  I'm amazed at how few people are on our particular portion of the beach.  I love it! 

M got the kids breakfast and we went right down to the beach!
We were there all. day. long.
It was so nice to be able to leave most of our stuff there and come up to the condo for lunch.  No sand in our food, some shelter from the sun for a bit.  It was great!

We were there for a couple of hours just our family.  It is so nice to be here with friends, but as a parent, it is so rewarding to see your kids happy to play together, isn't it?
Q and G were out in the waves, hopping through them.  O and E were playing in the sand.  At one point they were all building together, then in the water together. 
I layed in the sun and read.  M had a conference call, then read.  The beach isn't a bad place for a conference call right?

As I ran I saw different parts of the beach.  I love that our section has a ton of flat space for us to dig, run around playing catch etc., plus room to dig.  It's fab.

The C's came and there was more fun to be had.  They brought a boogie board and I took some time to teach G and S how to do it.  Plus I got to ride a few times as well.  It was fun! 

We girls layed out, jamming to tunes, the boys sat and chatted.
We switch from the beach to the pool.  Some parents there, some parents here.
We kept the sunscreen rocking, but with all of the water time, all of the kids, there were spots that got missed!
It's always funny to me to see the streaks that were missed after a day in the sun!  The kids faces look striped in some spots!

After getting all showered we dropped the kids at the C's place then we adults went out to eat. 
We drove around for a while trying to find the place we were looking for, then ended up at Sonny's BBQ.  Oh the dinner adventure we had! 

The boys ordered all you can eat ribs... 10 minutes after we ordered, our waitress came back and told us they were out!  Hmmm.  They got baby backs.  They were out of a bunch of the sides, we had to reorder.  It was a mess!  I got the salad bar so I was sharing my plate w/ Moll.  Figured with all of the mess they wouldn't mind!

We did get giant Diet Coke's, which I unexpectedly choked on as Moll stood in front of me w/ her shoes on the wrong feet, wondering why they were so uncomfortable!  It took me off guard, I thought it was funny.  Didn't want to spray pop out on my friends so I tried to keep it in.  I did and it found all sorts of places to dwell before I could swallow!  Up my nose, down the wrong tube, some on my napkin, some down the right tube.  I spent the next 10 minutes trying to breathe right again!

The boys hadn't even noticed, and were wondering why I was struggling!

It was an interesting dinner, but our waitress said she'd try to take care of us on the back end, which was fodder for much of the evening!

We laughed a ton!  It is so fun to be with our friends!

The kids had pizza and watched TV.  When we got back we sat around their fire pit, played put put and watched S play her guitar.

Well, we had an interesting start to the morning.  I wasn't sure I wanted to go anywhere...
We did let the kids sleep as much as they could.  The two oldest felt the most uncomfortable with their burns.
And, as I stepped out of my bed in the middle of the night, to help E, I felt my legs pulsing... they are quite crispy!

Our plan was to go into St. Augustine to see the Alligator Farm.
As we drove in we called the Toyota dealership in the area, to see if they could work on our AC while we spent the day there.

They did, so that was all part of our day.  Waiting in the dealership, packing all of the kids into the C's van to go get lunch.  Bringing back lunch for our guys (Shawn had a work call). 

We ate at Chick-Fil-A... wish we had one in the Buff.  I really do like that place!  They had these plastic sticky place mats that I want to buy to take everywhere with us, brilliant!  There was a guy who acted almost as a waiter, getting us what we needed.  He was awesome! 

Many people stared at the two ladies with all of the kids, but Moll and I rock this all of the time.  One lady asked if we were all one family or mixed.  I was tempted to tell her Moll and I were sister wives! :)  I settled her anxiety and told her we are two families... 4 kids each!  It's not that crazy, I mean, c'mon!

The shuttle took us to the Gator Farm and we spent a few hours there.
It was pretty cool.  Of course like any zoo-type experience you pay all of this $ and the kids run through it as fast as they can!  We tried to take it slow to learn some new stuff.
We saw them feed the huge crocs, we saw the replica of the largest croc (2000 lbs), I took photos of amazing birds, we got some snacks, the kids played on the playground for a minute.
It was good times.

We waited for our shuttle, got our newly cooled van back, then went to see 'The Oldest House'
The C's thought M was kidding when he suggested BBQ again for dinner, but we found a place where the kids eat free on Tuesday's!  Much better service this time!

As we got home our kiddies watched some movies before bedtime. 

Did I mention the rainstorms today?  I don't think I did.  This is why we got out of this area, and headed out.  It rained on the way to St. Augustine, and several times when we were there, but not while we were out at the Gator Park.  Very fortunate!