WIW - Cute Comfy's

This week it seems I've just been in sweats!
Man that makes me feel like a slob!
I've been staying home, with the exception of heading to the gym to swim.
Even if I don't have anywhere to go I like to get dressed.  It makes me feel better about life!

This first outfit is a great example of something comfy, but still totally cute, filling my desire to be comfortable as I putter around the house, but the effort put it so still feel like me!

I wanted to wear this sweater I haven't worn for a while.  
Do you ever challenge yourself that way?  Try it.  It's sort of fun to start with one item you want to wear, maybe in a way you haven't yet, then build from there.
I layered the sweater with a new layering thermal tee I got recently.
Again, I don't love things just being tight on me... and the pants are tight enough at this point :), so I added a scarf.
This may be the last time I wear these pants... I think these bitty front pockets are for ladies with skinny hips and legs.  I expressed that in this post.  
Part of looking good is knowing your body, and what looks good on your particular shape.
Lesson learned!

  For my hair... I already had a loose bun in, I sleep with my hair in a bun, otherwise I get all tangled in it through the night... brings a whole new dimension to the nightmares!  Anyway. I lift it loose and just pinned it so it stayed close to my head.

Yesterday afternoon I was good for nothing.  I worked out pretty hard, but I didn't think it would wipe me out like it did.  I was exhausted.  All I could do was lay down and play Candy Crush.  PS, I'm totally addicted to that now!  I love it!  I can't seem to get past board 30 though!

Bless the husband, he came home from his work trip and put us all to bed!

This week I'm preparing for our Stake Fair on Saturday.  Along with the little production number I've choreographed I'm teaching 2 photography classes.  Gotta finish getting ready for that!

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