Best of 2013: What I'm Wearing

That was a fun thing to do... go back and look at what I've worn over the past year.
It's interesting to see what I think looks good, and how that changes over the year.
There are some photos on this blog that do not look good!  You'd think if I had any pride I'd not posted them, at least w/o doing my hair first!  Oh well!  What you see is what you get!
Here are some of my favorite looks for the year.  Most of my favorites have been from the fall.  I had some rockin' looks!  
And, I do like my casual looks, but my favorites tend to be more dressed up looks, as you'll soon see from the images I selected!
Here are my top three fav looks...
#1 - The party look.  I love these fur leg warmers and this was my first time wearing them.  I love this look!
#2 - The classic skirt w/ leather peplum.  This one didn't get too much hype, but I love it.  It is classic, simple.  I love.
#3 - Fur vest.  Funny that my top three are black and white looks.  I normally like, and wear a lot of color.  I love these crazy pants, and I love this MK sweater... This look came together nicely!
Here are more of my favs from the year... /

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