Some Randoms....

My office is a mess right now.  I'm rearranging furniture, cleaning out, organizing... getting ready for my new work table.  I knocked off that back panel, instead of covering it... it looks amazing!

I hate 5th grade.  Don't tell my daughter, because one of us needs to hold it together.  Every morning this week has begun with tears and tummy aches and "I don't want to go".  Each day we work through it and I think we are ok, then it all starts over the next day.  I reminded her this morning that she always comes home from school happy... maybe it isn't so bad.  Yesterday I cried as I watcher her walk across the field.  My heart is hurting for her, I hope my love for her is enough to carry her through this.

I miss Matt.  He gets home Sunday... just a couple more days.  I can do this!

The kids are way into this rainbow loom... as I guess the rest of the world is!  They are really having fun making bracelets... all of the kids, G made a bracelet even before Q.  It keeps them busy, is great for coordination and creativity, I'm all for it!

I am taking steps in my recovery as a hoarder.  Last night I put a chest of drawers on the side of the road!  It was really hard.  I've had it in my office, as a storage unit (I found it on the side of the road!).  I planned to give it a make over, but have been fine with it as is.  In an effort to DE clutter it has got to go.  I need to make room for the new piece!  It housed a lot of things which I'm finding a new place for, but it's a big deal for me to not take it back down to the basement, and wait until I can do something with it again!
I've made a bunch of hair things this week. 
The weather has been amazing and I've gone for a bike ride and enjoyed running in the beautiful fall weather.
O said, "Well that was an epic fail" last night.  What?  He's 5!  He was eating dinner and I'm not even sure what he was referring to, but he said it and I thought... are you really that big?
The kids are all about climbing the tree in our front yard right now.  They get pretty high up there.  I love it!  Every kid should climb trees!

Last... I ordered bunk beds this week!  We've been waiting for these boys to get 'big enough' to feel comfortable with them.  It is time!