On To Cycling...

Last week was so nice. I have caught up with friends I haven't seen for YEARS!
It has been nice to not be 'training' for anything.  I spent much time on the bike last week.

Last week I went cycling with a group of ladies. I knew two of them from high school. Jane who blogs here told me they were going and I sort of invited myself. I was a little nervous because I didn't know intensity level of the riders, but I did know we were riding up Provo Canyon, and I do know I don't ride hills, let alone mountains very often... or, um EVER!

I did find comfort in the fact that this was Jane’s first ride!  At least I’ve been riding before!  Did I mention that my sister’s neighbor lent me her bike?  What a rockstar!  I’m not sure I’d lend mine to a total stranger…  I have a special ‘thank you’ for her, because that has been such a treat for this trip!

It ended up being a great ride!  I loved visiting with new friends, cathing up with old, and I loved climbing up the mountain.  Up is far less scary than down!  I do have confidence in my abilities to overcome challenge, to climb even though my legs hurt, to push to the top of whatever hill.  I do not, however have full confidence in the elements that contribute to a descent! 

To put it mildly it freaks me out to go fast, to fly down a mountain on a bike!  Still not totally comfortable with that!  I thought I’d be ok because one of the gals agreed that she liked to go slow, then took off ahead of me!!!  I rode my breaks most of the way down!  You hit a rock, turn your handlebars just slightly and that is a whole lot of injury headed your way!

It was a beautiful ride.  Good times continued as Jane got a flat tire!  All of us are pretty established riders, none of us had actually changed a tire!  Everyone had tools, but the men had always done the actually changing!  We flagged down some young men to help us and they were indeed helpful even though they were mountain bikers.  Ultimately it came down to us ladies to make it happen, and we did!

We laughed and joked, it was pretty funny… what I learned… how to change a tire for starters and second, my bike is not prepared for such the occasion.  I need to remedy that when I get home.

A couple of days later I went up again with my other good friend Krista from high school.  We hadn't seen each other since her wedding shower!  It was a good ride, good visiting again, and this time I felt even more comfortable with the descent.

Inaugural ride... breaking a Gatorade over the bike!

Such a good week, cycling focused.  I'll be bikeless this week so I'm back to running!