I choose to run...

I'm reporting live from UT!  We made it here!  This may change my blogging a bit, but I hope to maintain my schedule as best I can!

This Thursday I'll be featured over at Runaway Bridal Planner.
I was given me a list of questions to answer as a way to get to know me.  A couple of them got me to thinking.

Are you comfortable calling yourself a runner?  I know in the running community this is a question I see often.

I really enjoy running,  I always have and I always will.  I've raced and run just for fun... am I a runner?

I love to dance.  I have grace, rhythm, style, good technique.  I choreograph well and love to perform (yes even still in my old age!)  I still feel like I'm not justified calling myself a dancer.

I take pictures of people, and get paid, have a business I've built all by myself and calling myself a photographer... weird!

What is that?

Is there some level that needs to be reached before I feel justified?  Do I need to win races, do I need to be on a professional company, do I need to be a big name and sought after?

This is why I don't like the label.  Why do we need it?  Are you this or are you that?  I do... and that is that.

The things I do, don't make me who I am.  Who I am is consistent, regardless of the things I do or don't do.

This is why the labels aren't for me.  I feel much more comfortable saying I love to run, I swim, cycle, love photography, dance is a part of me.  These are things I do... they are not who I am.

That got me to thinking, do we give running way too much credit?  Running is like knowledge and wisdom... it's just an action, until I use it, choose to engage in it, only then does it benefit me.

Does that make sense?  You can have a knowledge of something... IE the water is poisoned.  But wisdom is using that knowledge to then refrain from drinking the water.  Knowledge alone can do nothing.  Wisdom is acting on that knowledge.

Running is the most basic of loco-motor movement, it's primal.  There are great benefits to doing it, there are rewards, but you choose to do it!  You get credit for that!

Not only running, any endurance sport, any aerobics class, any weight training... you get the credit, you are choosing to do it...

And it's not always easy.  There are days it hurts, your body wants to stop, you're tired, you'd rather sleep, but pushing beyond that with your growing self discipline rewards you.  Your choice to be disciplined and just go, rewards you with a feeling of self control, endorphins, a clear mind, health benefits.

That takes away any need to measure speed or miles or how many races...

Who needs a label?  I don't need to reach a certain number of miles or a certain speed, or have run any number of races to call myself a runner.  I love to swim, I don't know anything about how fast I am compared to others.  Do I need to to continue swimming?  Nope, I do it because I love it!  Calling myself a runner does nothing to either help or hinder me.  I don't need it!

What I do need is to run.  When I choose to lace up and go out, I put my knowledge into action and really my body is conditioned now that it really functions better when I do.  There are benefits waiting for me too when I go.  My reward is a clear head, deeper breath, strength, peace, habit, discipline, continuity, drive and happiness!  Why would I choose not to go?

Running is one of the things I really love to do, and the fact that I'm rewarded overall by choosing to do it, only helps me continue on.  Running is a good thing, but I get the credit for choosing it over and over again... and so do you!