Joy... in little things

I found little bits of joy all through my day today.

We went and met O's new teachers at Page One.  I got a call earlier this week that they have an opening in the UPK program.  I've been filling out papers and making appointments to get him all set to go.  He is so excited!  We hope to start him Monday.

The sound of belly laughs as we're driving brings my heart such joy.  I love these kids!  Who thought inserting the word 'garbage' anywhere in a song could make them laugh so hard.  It was garbage day today, they saw it and sang about it and oh how they thought they were funny!  I also played 'chubby chunky cheeks' from a song several times per their request.  They had the giggles.  I love it!

As we arrived at regular preschool Laura reminded me that she was taking the boys home w/ her for a playdate!  JOY!

While waiting for institute I talked to my sis on the phone.  Connecting with her always brings me joy.

I went to institute (bible study).  I was tempted to not go, you know what I could do w/o the time restriction of preschool?  I'm glad I made that choice.  I found joy, immense joy.  You know, I've had thoughts just these last couple of days, not shared them w/ anyone.  I have knelt down in prayer though.  Today I made a choice to be somewhere and I heard poignant words, words that were saturated.  I choose that word because out of them was oozing spirit, that was filling in where I was missing.  Indeed I needed to be there so my Heavenly Father could answer me back.  And we talked about the prodigal son... that was good too.  I'll write more about that here tomorrow.

I ran a few errands.  I find joy in a good deal, this we know.  BJ's had the perfect gift for my O on sale!  He'll get that for his birthday in a couple of months.

The sun was shining... joy.  It was warm... joy.

I went running, mid-day, in the sun... JOY!  I brainstormed, it was good.  Oh how I love to run.

Matt was home early and I didn't have to take the kids to the dance studio with me... we all feel joy there!

And lastly, I just got done writing a letter, kid you not with that statement!  My dear friend Paige moved away years ago, but oh how I love that girl.  She wrote a letter to me so I wrote one back.  I find such joy in friendships.  I am amazed how so many people can give so many different things to me, and how I cherish and need each of them.
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