Loves for today

Yesterday my love was...
Deep cleaning. I am going through my craft room and reorganizing/cleaning. Anyone who knows me knows when I clean I have to take everything apart and put it back together. This room needs a bit more clear organization, especially my scrap stuff, so I'm reorganizing. Hopefully it will help me stay cleaner! We'll see.

I of course have many, why do just one each day?
Loving today...

The sunshine, we go for weeks sometimes w/o seeing the sun. It has finally made an appearance today and my soul is drinking it in.

Left over pancakes. When I make pancakes I'll make a bunch of extra to keep in the fridge. Nice, easy breakfast for the boys. I'll cook up some eggs, which they love and they'll eat the left over pancakes. I have to get a nice big breakfast in them each day or they'll be back at my legs an hour later asking to eat.

E sneaking around the house then saying 'found you' when he comes in contact w/ anyone.

Chocolate milk.
carolyn mcafee1 Comment