Summer is... a time to pray...

... a time for miracles.

Now, I've never really posted anything religious on my blog, not sure why, I am quite a religious person. I save most of my thoughts for a more private forum, a different journal.

I do want to record my thoughts here, though, and share my feelings about Megan Smith, and how her situation has touched me.

I don't know her very well. I know her husband is a dental student, one of many in our ward. I know they aren't from here, like many other students. I remember meeting them for the first time a few years back, but again, I don't know them very well. I knew she was pregnant, how exciting for them, their first baby.

I had seen an email sent by our Relief Society presidency and one of the items in there was that their family needed prayers, that there were some complications in the delivery. I was informed of her situation a few days later at the pool and I started to cry, right there at the pool. Oh well.

What a challenge they have been asked to go through. (For their story go HERE). Although I don't know them well, I am affected by their life. It has made me reflect on my life, my experience, my faith. It has given me the opportunity for growth.

Each time our family prays for the Smith family I am brought to tears. In part because I feel so sad that such a joyous time, having a new baby brought into your world was coupled with such a scary challenge, of losing the one that brought that new life here. It just makes me sad. I feel sad for Ryan, holding life in his hands, both his wife and daughter's, a new fresh life and a life weak and withering. I want for her to fight and survive her leukemia and be with her family, and raise her daughter, and have a family! My BIL actually passed away this past January after battling leukemia, and it was heartbreaking to watch my sister loose her husband.

Other times that I think about this, I am also reminded of what I believe. I reflect on my belief, very clearly reflected, that this life is short and death is the only way we can get to the other, more eternal, part of the plan. This life is just a blip in the bigger picture (a very important blip mind you), and sometimes our work here is finished before we realize it, and we are called home. There is a bigger plan and larger picture, and we all face death, but it doesn't have to be with sadness because we have been promised that our joy will be full on the other side if we will just be faithful.

I am thankful for the opportunity to practice and exercise my faith. I have seen miracles. I know that, as in times of old, even today, the Lord hears the prayers of the faithful. Prayer alone and coupled with fasting has a tangible power and I don't doubt that all things are possible through God. That is partly why I'm even posting this as opposed to just keeping it to myself.

What do you believe? Will you pray for Megan Smith? Will you reach to our loving Heavenly Father for this sweet family who needs a miracle? It shouldn't be hard to do and it touches my heart to see so many people concerned and concentrating so much to one they may not even know.

Earlier this year a friend that I cheered w/ in high school, who married a guy from my home ward, faced a devastating situation and they were blessed with a MIRACLE. Undoubtedly it was not of their own doing, but rather an affirmative answer to the world of prayers that little man was receiving.

I know He is there, I know that he hears us, I know that he CARES for us and wants the best for us. I know he wants us to reach to him, to practice our faith, to believe in him even though what we want seems impossible. I know He has all power and will show it to those who believe. I know that my prayers are heard, and matter. Yours are too, please pray for Megan.