Chambray Dots and Blush

Here where I live spring is magic!  Really, I'm serious.  We wait and wait, complain, it snows, we wonder if spring will ever come, then literally overnight... well I exaggerate, it takes just a few days of warm weather, and all of a sudden everything is green.  It's like magic!  One day I can see through all the trees in my back yard, and the next day I can't!

How has Tuesday been for you?  My day started off slow, it has been a weird day.  But, it ended well.  The sun came out, I went and boxed, got dinner at Panera, visited with my friend Amy and now I get to relax.


Ok, ok, to the clothes!  We don't need much explanation there, do we?  

I paired blush colored jeans with my polka dot chambray shirt.  It is a spring look, complete with layers.  I like to layer in the spring.  These flats are so cute.  I find myself reaching for them often.  I love the crisscross cut out of them.  I may need to get me a pair of the open toed ones that I've linked for you.  Those are way cute too!

What is spring like where you are?

polka dot chambray
pink and chambray