Just A Peek... Of Beautiful

That is probably all you'll see of this shoot.
It was intimate and private.
I don't advertise as a boudoir photographer... still deciding if it's part of my brand.
BUT, I did this shoot for my fabulous friend, who bought it for her fabulous friend!

We had a great time, and what can I say?  I know I am skilled at posing, directing, finding flattering angles, and most importantly, making people feel comfortable.  ALL of these skills are critical in a shoot that is so raw and bare!  It is a very vulnerable experience for a client.

We were laughing and loud!  Felt like BFF's by the time we were done!

I am a hugger and it isn't uncommon for me to hug my client after a shoot.
This was no exception... but I laughed, because after we celebrated our finish I had to tell my client to get all dressed again before we hugged!  That doesn't happen often to me! :)

Here is one look...

She is beautiful right?

I am always rewarded when someone looks at an image I've taken of them, and they gasp, surprised by what they see looking on the screen in front of them.
If only we could always walk around with perfect lighting, and look in the mirror at the right angle... then we could always see through ourselves to our beauty right?

Truth is, most people see her this way... 
And it's the same for us... 
It's nice to see our beauty, from someone else's eyes sometimes... to remind us of our own truth.
We are beautiful!