Salt of the Earth

CCMcAfee Photography
Ellicottville Photographer: John and Angela Wedding

Sorry for the delay... I'm behind on my blog posts here... yikes!  Here is some wedding eye candy to make up for the long wait!
The first thing I love about shooting weddings is getting an insiders view of two people's special day.  I feel all warm and fuzzy when I leave.  I feel like I've got life long friends.  I feel all renewed with love abounding!!!  CHEESE!  I know, but I jest not!
The next best thing about doing weddings is the volume of people I get to meet, celebrate with, dance with!  I was referred to Angela through her maid of honor Paula, who I met at a wedding I photographed last year .  I love you all for telling people about me!  That is the best compliment and form of business.  SO, big thanks to Paula!
When I heard this wedding was going to be down in Ellicottville I was super excited and hoped that they chose me!!!  For all visitors unfamiliar with this area, Ellicottville is a ski town, and in the land of flat Buffalo, it is a breath of fresh air with hills and trees!
The day of the wedding I went down a bit early to check out the site and meet with the planner.  It was such a rewarding, relaxing drive.  The earth is a beautiful place in the fall.  I took some photos for myself...  in this post.
So, onto the wedding.  This was going to be great!  An outdoor wedding, in the fall, in Ellicottville!  I was not wrong!  Talk about perfect light, backdrop... and when I met John for the first time and saw Angela again, perfect couple!
I don't know how other photographers are, but it doesn't take me long to jump in there and 'bond' with my peeps!  I felt particularly bonded at this wedding!  I helped the bride get into her dress for crying out loud!  That was a fun moment!  I loved hanging out with Kevin and Kevin part deux, and the girls and I danced the night away after I put my camera down!  Seriously, I stayed for like an hour after and danced, such good times!
During the toast Kevin part one talked about these two, the salt of the earth, he said.  I got a little choked up, and after some time with them quite agree... salt of the earth.  Thank you again, John and Angela for choosing me to be part of your day.  It was a beautiful and magical day!  I so enjoyed myself.  Good luck to you both.

Here we go!  Enjoy!

Um, I WANT these shoes, don't you?  Faaaabulous!  Loved that they said hello every time Angela took a step.  I was tempted to tackle her and just take off with her shoes! :)


This may be my absolute favorite photo... How cute are they?

In the words of John... "I guess I'm a dipper!"  I guess you are!


John and Angela... it was my pleasure to be with you on your wedding day... Thank YOU!