Josh and Emilee

CCMcAfee Photography
Amherst NY Photographer: Wedding
Here we go!  The first of my 'wedding' month!
I met Josh and Emilee last year.  Our first meeting was in Tim Hortons, right after a school function I  photographed.  DARLING couple!  I remember specifically talking about marrying young with them.  I got married just after I had turned 20!  Swore I'd never do that, but what did I know?  We shared optimism about choosing one to spend your life with and choosing to love them for the rest of your life, whether you start at 20 or 40.  If you have found your person, why wait?
I was very excited for this day to roll around, surely these two were more anxious than I!
I arrived at the church not long before the ceremony started.  I ran around for a few minutes to get the last minute fixes going on.

The dudes were pretty chill, of course.  Loved these brothers, reminded me of my 4 and the laughs that occur when they get together.
Poor Em was frazzled with that blasted veil!  Oh I remember, each time someone hugs you they pull and tug at your head!  Veils need bustles too right??  Not a bad idea, with all of that hugging!
The men, patiently waiting for word... the word was it would be a few more minutes!  Then time to go, but not before a quick step outside to catch a breath of fresh air! 

 It was a beautiful ceremony.  I loved hearing the faith these two have in each other.  And, the message to come unto Christ.  I always love that message, no matter who is preaching it. 

I can't explain why I love this shot so much!  The blur is great, the quiet, the image of two people making promises in the distance.
 How great is this sign?  Bride and her family made so much of this wedding with their own two, six, eight... hands!!!  They did a beautiful job. 
Did I mention it was a rainy morning?  I didn't.  I wondered where our 'indoor' location was because it was a pretty gloomy morning.  BUT, by the time the ceremony started and we were off to shoot bridals the rain had cleared... completely!  So great!  We went to the botanical gardens for bridals...
 These are lovers of football... great lovers of football!

I can't take credit for the idea of this photo.  It was pulled from pinterest.  I may need to go find it and give some credit!  It turned out great though right?  Again with the football!
Here are the beautiful couple.  Really, aren't they beautiful, hot, lovely, however you want to say it! 

 I love this top, right photo.  Love the wind just catching her hair, the moment just before you kiss, when you are smiling, ah love, doesn't it just make you want to kiss?!
We hit Wendy's after a couple more special photos back at the church.  It was a lovely sight, the whole bridal party filling their tummys!  It makes people smile, love makes people smile.
Finally to the reception. It was a delight with family photos, Emily's uncle complimenting my booty, fun-loving entries, cake cutting... speaking of, love the bride's face here... can you see the 'DON'T smash that in my face' look in her eyes?
The toasts were great... all of them!  But, the father/daughter dance took the cake.  I was not the only one crying at that one. 
It even beat the bride and groom's first dance... for me at least!  Here are a few last shots for you.

What a wonderful day.  What a great group of people.  Josh and Emilee I am honored to have spent the day with you!  Thank you so much!