Baby S

CCMcAfee Photography
Amherst/Tonowanda photographer: Newborn Shoot

I had the privilege of photographing this sweet baby girl.  My daughter was a little jealous, why?  Because that baby is the new addition to her 3rd grade teacher's family. 
She was so great for her debut!  So sleepy!  It was wonderful!

First time grandma was there for the shoot, so we got a 3 generation photo...

Sweet BABY CAKE shots...

Not being from this area originally I don't have any FANatic in me at all!  I didn't grow up in an area w/ any PRO anything!
I am learning that it's cool to have a PRO hockey and football team to root for.  My kids will have that.  G is already on the hockey boat and wants to play pro... of course he's yet to put on a pair of ice skates, but that is a minor detail right? 
This is not my first shoot where I've been asked to incorporate sports paraphernalia into the shoot.  It's growing on me!  I think it's sweet that this little princess will grow up cheering for the Sabers with her papa.  Any connection is a good one.

And, finally, the teacher in mom so enjoyed writing her little girls name on this small piece of chalkboard!