The Mario Party Refresh with Printable Invitations

You may not know, but one of my most popular posts is from clear back in 2012.

Which post is that?  Drum roll.... I realize you can see the photo above, but a drum roll seemed appropriate!  It is the post about G's Mario birthday party!

I don't go back to previous posts that often because sometimes it drives me nuts to see how/what I did and I want to do it all over again.

This was a good example of what I'm talking about...

I go back to check out this post and see how few details there are, how I didn't include all the photos, how I put the 'thank you' labels up there... with my son's name on them!  Hello!  McFly!

I had created an invitation for G's party, but of course didn't think to offer one to my readers... hey, it was 2012!

So, I have spent the last several hours sprucing up that blog post, and re-creating some printables, without my kids name on them, that will hopefully help any of you that want to throw a Mario Party for your kiddo.

Sure, I have the time to do that!  Why not?!  I should really go through more blog posts, right?

Here are the new invites and thank you cards that I created.

Here are the tags, drink labels and parting thanks labels... updated.

You can download the full versions of them all HERE.

Be sure to Pin It too!