Identity Crisis... and Character

Today I have reflected a bit on character.

Last week I thought a bit about trials and continuing in faith through them.

Today I've thought about how those trials, and good things alike, work together to develop our character.

From Lorenzo Snow:

I am under the strongest impression, that the most valuable consideration, and that which will be of the most service when we return to the spirit world, will be that of having established a proper and well defined character... L Top Perry (8/11 Ensign):  

As you prepare for the future, you must be certain that what you are putting into this mortal experience will enable you to finish strong and gain your eternal reward."

A man’s character is the reality of himself.—His reputation is the opinion others have formed of him.—Character is in him;—reputation is from other people—[character] is the substance, [reputation] is the shadow.

A good character is something you must make for yourself. It cannot be inherited from parents. It cannot be created by having extraordinary advantages. It isn’t a gift of birth, wealth, talent, or station. 

It is the result of your own endeavor. It is the reward that comes from living good principles and manifesting a virtuous and honorable life.

Today I thought about character, and believing in your character, even when you make mistakes that are out of it about getting back to who you really are, after those mistakes are made.

I've thought about a Heavenly Father who knows me and my character, and how I discover that for myself as I go through this life with it's many ups and downs, relying on Him through it all.

I've thought about why I am the way I am, why I believe what I do, why I'm so convicted... how it's part of my character.  I've thought about how different we all are from one another and how that is neither good nor bad, just is.  But because I am who I am, and believe what I do, living in integrity with that brings the most happiness to me.

I've thought about who I am eternally, on a greater scale than an earthly life.  I believe I was me before I came here, and will continue to be me, with all of my learning after I leave this life.

I have thought about my 'own endeavor' in creating or revealing my character and how I can be engaged more often.

I've thought about how sometimes we live below our potential and don't realize it until someone reminds us of our greatness and that we can be and are more.

It has been a good reflective Sunday.


I have had this blog since 2005!

Crazy right?

This past fall I decided I wanted to be more faithful in my blogging, for me, for our family. 

I don't remember things!  If I haven't taken a photo of it, or written it down, I don't remember it.

I have printed off one blog book for our family, and we love it!

I used to scrapbook a lot, but, even though I want to, I don't do it as often.  What I write here, is our record!

** side note, I do intend to get myself more organized so I can integrate this back in, because I do love it so**

My blogging has changed and evolved though.  It has been a process deciding what to write where, what to integrate, what to separate.  As I have stepped out a bit more I've seen and learned much about what people are doing with blogging now!  It's like everyone has their own little magazine!

As I told Matt, with this new year I wanted to grow in the blogging area, he strongly disapproved!

Stick to the things that you know you make $ at... photography and making stuff.

I have done that!  I continue in my photography efforts, and I continue to create and sell things.

My intentions with blogging never have been to make any sort of income from it.  I don't make any sort of income from it!

I do have a desire to share though, and connect.  I always have, that's who I am. 

I make stuff, decorate, create, if that can help someone by sparking their own creativity... great!

I love to style and shop, if that inspires someone in a new way... fabulous!

I wear my heart on my sleeve, I love to talk about what I believe, if that can help uplift someone or help them heal... amazing!

I love running, if sharing that gives someone a push... awesome!

That is what I'm doing in this process... as well as trying to keep some sort of life story for us!

As I've started reaching out more, finding friendships, learning about the 'business side' of this, there is so much information... who is your audience, be specific, what does your reader want.  All of these things are good things to think about.  However... there is so much that I want to write about, show, tell!  I'm sure my reader is confused at what this blog even is!  One day I post about running, the next about stage hair pieces, the next my faith!  I can't pin it down to just one 'realm'!!!

I'm not going to lie, getting out there, meeting new people, watching others find 'success' with this has uncovered some insecurities for me.  I have lost my own perspective a little bit, of why I am doing this.  So, I come back to my center and again reassure myself in my efforts, and my motives, for me and my journey, from my perspective.

I once did a layout on finding my center, again and again... it's one of my favorites... I did this one on transparency.

In an effort to organize myself a bit, and maybe confuse my readers less, I am creating a schedule for my blogging.

Sunday: my faith

Monday: running, fitness

Tuesday: photography... I need to set time aside so

this blog

doesn't go ignored... also CCMakesStuff updates will be on this day

Wednesday: what I'm wearing, style, clothes etc.

Thursday: projects, diy, home décor etc.

Friday: our family

Saturday: guest posts, giveaways etc.

I'm sure I'll continue to evolve and change.  This is the beauty of life!