How Have You Changed?

Yesterday in church the question was asked, "How have you changed in the last 10 years?"

I began thinking about that a bit.  

I have gone through some of the hardest things in my life, so far, within that time. 

 Of course prior to this time period I could've told you about

other things

in my life that were the 'hardest' things for me to go through, at that time!

Have I changed?

Of course I have!  Change is good, valuable, essential.

Things have come in and out of my life, importance of many things have changed.  I have developed talents, tempered emotions, changed behaviors.

I don't know that I, in my most eternal sense, have changed at all.  

I believe my Spirit is eternal, that I was me before I came to this earth and will still be me after I leave it! 

 I am, at my core, firm in my convictions, thoughtful and deep.  I am faithful and truthful.  Integrity is part of my nature.  

Whatever I've gone through that hasn't changed, although I do believe that the choices we make 

can and do,

 affect this deepest part of ourselves, and it can indeed change.

What has changed?



 of life, my 


 of faith, my 


 of pain, my 


 of love, my 


 of my Savior and His atonement.

Experience does that for us right?  It gives us understanding.

I have changed over the last 10 years, yes.  But I have also remained constant.

I have increased in understanding, and knowledge of many things.

To me, that is progress!

dress and necklace: Target (clearence!!!) sorry, it does need to be ironed!

How have you changed over the past 10 years?

What part of you remains constant?

PS - We have been watching this Oprah Winfrey series "Belief" and have loved it!  

I love to see how other's are searching for higher power, for hope, for belief.