FHE Grab n Go... Quick, Easy, Month of FHE Lessons

I did it!!!  I survived last week!  Wowza, it was a doozy!

Couldn't have done it without my hubs, he was amazing.

Couldn't have done it without the help of my Savior, oh He gives me strength, I cannot even tell you!!!

Today I'm sharing with you one of the projects I've been working on...

Ok, what is FHE?

It stands for Family Home Evening.

It is an evening set aside to not just spend time together as a family, but to also teaching doctrines and principles of the gospel to each other.

Learn more about it



It is a great practice and brings concentration back to the family... even if you aren't a member of the LDS faith, you could totally have FHE!  It will bless your families life... promise!

The basic outline is: song, prayer, lesson, activity and treat.

I think I mentioned being put into the Relief Society presidency.  We focus on the women in our unit or ward.

We currently have a program to take FHE to families or members of our ward that can't get out for one reason or another.  The thought for FHE Grab n Go sprouted because of this.  I wanted to have something our ward members could just grab, and take with them to these families to give a small lesson with little to no prep.

But really, how many of us can use this even if we aren't taking FHE to someone?

There are sooooo many resources for idea lessons, SO many!  I have binders and a whole file cabinet full of lessons...


I find FHE a real challenge for me!

I created this FHE grab n go last month for our members and I've go to say I was able to have it in my home too!  Finally!!!!  I felt a little like a rock star!

Our members took them and our hope is to have more success stories with FHE being a habit and tradition in our homes!

As long as I'm doing this, I'm happy to share!!!

We have a little table outside our room and I leave the lessons there with this cute little printable framed behind them.  This month I actually changed it up and printed this smaller and put the lessons into a large jar rolled up...

Here is Novembers lesson sheet:

additional links: 

This was October:

In addition to having a printed copy we send out an email that has links attached for those who want more.

Here is what that says:

There are so many resources for easy FHE!

Here are some links, some of which will send you an FHE lesson each week!  So easy!

LDS.org –

FHE Manual

LDS Living

LDS Family Fun

If that overwhelms you, if you need something simple, easy, and in your hands right now, then here is our simplified version for you... FHE on the go. 

These topics align with the primary topics each week.  They are designed to be used with resources you have at home: scriptures, Preach My Gospel, gospel art kits, the Ensign etc.

The mini lessons can be used to teach any age, add a coloring page for younger children, or more in depth study for adults.  Make it work for your family!

Our desire and hope is to enable you, to give you an easy way to accomplish what our Prophet has asked us to do!

“We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest.”

-President Monson

November Links:

Week 1: Faith...  

‘Origin’ Mormon Message

Coloring Page from Friend

Week 2: Prayer links... 

Friend Activity for little ones

There you have it... FHE Grab n Go!  Feel free to follow along and grab each month for yourself!  I hope it helps you too be successful with FHE!