Back To the Dancer in Me...

Last night I went to ballet.  Last night I felt like a dancer.

Now, I may not have looked like a dancer, wish I could step out of my body for certain moments to see what I look like, but I felt like one!

It's been a year since I've taken ballet, last year I taught modern and lyrical, but teaching only does so much for your technique. 

I am so excited to take class this year!  I will also try to squeeze in jazz here and there.

I crave taking a good modern class.  Maybe I can look into that w/ next year's UT trip.

It was so great to walk into the studio and see good friends.  I just didn't see anyone last year, it made me so sad.  Do you love how my glasses aren't aware of their personal space?  They are totally taking over Kristy's face!!!

Again, like I was talking about with yesterday's post, these are friends that 'get it'.  Dancing is different than running, and though they can appreciate the other, they are both very different things.

I'm so happy to be able to dance...still.  Seriously love my husband for knowing I need this, and letting me have it.  He really is good to me.

I deeply love dancing.  It's a body thing, it's an expression thing, it's a soul thing. 

I have many loves and if I can just have a taste of each, without them overtaking my life, I am so very happy and fulfilled.


Here is a taste of a recent photo session...