Sometimes I Think I'm Amazing

This week I've hit the roads again, running.
PS - this weather has been amazing, slightly cooler than fall running.  Just fantastic!
I've taken some months off, trying to give my achillies a true rest, which has done nothing, by the way.

I feel heavy - like 10 lbs overweight heavy, and heavy feet.
It's hard to breath, I can feel extra things jiggling as I run, and it just feels hard!

I thought to myself as I was out running this week... Self you are pretty freakin' amazing!

Because right now, I can't even imagine running 26.2 miles.
Right now, it feels no where near possible.  Dare I say daunting!
Right now I'm so happy to be finished with 4 or 5 miles!!!

When each step feels so challenging, I am shocked and overwhelmed by the thought of doing this running thing for 3.5 hours!
Really, the only things I'm really good at doing, with that kind of endurance, right now, are shopping and sleeping!

Self, it's amazing that you can prepare, and successfully run marathons.
Self, it's pretty freakin' amazing that you will be running in a race with the fastest people in the world!
Self, you deserve to feel freakin' amazing!

Because in just another week or so it will feel easy again.
In a few more weeks the miles will start adding up.
After that the push will come, I can make myself even better.
And after that, I will be running the biggest race I'll ever run!

Cool.  Freakin' amazing!

My goal this week was to just get out 5 times.  I need a week of low mileage, just getting back into a rhythm.

I did a little strengthening as well, although that is an area I need improvement.

I think I'll stick with 5 days a week for this training cycle, possibly adding in 2/day sessions.

Per usual I don't want to just run this 26.2.  I want to improve.  I want to be better. I want to see those numbers fall.  I'd like to race with a 7:45-7:50 pace average.

Here are my numbers for this week.