Summer Leftovers - Running

I've said before that this year has been different for me with running, training, racing.  Just accept it and go with it, has been my mantra!

Mid summer I got my butt in gear and started running 'normal', getting ready for the Ragnar, which gets it's own post.

Left overs from summer...
Let's do a quick overlook at summer and my running/cycling/swimming.

I did some 8 milers on the treadmill, during summer!  It was good to know that it made our move safely too.  It still works!  Who runs on the treadmill in summer?  Someone who has pain and is trying to see if softer ground will help.  I think it did at least that is what I tell myself!

Q told me one time, and one time only, that she wanted to go running with me!  It was a pretty great moment for me, but I tried not to freak out.  Wouldn't want to scare her away!
We ran/walked a mile.  Baby steps!  She is for sure a sprinter.  We will work on endurance.

I have cycled less this year than any other year I've had my bike.  Irony is that I enjoy the cycling more since we've moved.  Matt and I went out a few times and I went out only once by myself.  My poor bike, I'm sure it misses my tush!

I did swim a few times this summer.  I would do laps while the kids swam at the pool and I swam the lake a few times.  This was a fun outing, to swim with Syd.  I wish I'd have had my goggles so we could just swim w/o water leaking into my eyeballs, but it was great to swim with her, just us!

I also tried Checker's Running Club this summer.  It was a great experience.  I see the benefit of group speed training.  It pushed me good.  I was at the front of the pack, trying to keep up with the quick boys of the group.  It also felt good to be with people who love running.   
The day and time totally doesn't work for me and my fam so I won't be joining.  Major bummer.  
Fleet Feet has a group run on a different day.  I will try that soon.  I need to find people, I need running buddies.

I finished my summer with the Ragnar.  I did some running I am proud of!  I'll tell you about it soon.

I have been battling Achilles pain, but surprisingly had none while doing the Ragnar.  I have taken the last three weeks, man has it been three weeks, off.

I have been sick, and I want to actually stop running to see if that helps at all.  Is there any 'healing' that needs to take place?

I went out for just 4 miles last week and I was absolutely sore with pain in my Achilles for the next couple of days.  When I say 'sore', I mean it's hard to walk, to feel that tendon moving! :)

I have ordered new shoes, it's time for me to switch that up to see if it helps.  Bodies change, circumstances change, so it's time to change what I run in to see if that helps.  I am going to try zero drop (no change) with good cushion (change) to see if that is good for me.  If I need even more cushion there is one more step up.

Where does one find such a shoe?  Right here... 

img via Altra Running

There we have it, the rest of my summer in a glance.
I have exciting things coming up too, new goals to make!  I'll share that soon.