Our Life In Photos

Photo snippets of my life as of late...

Chocolate milk: my latest daily go-to.  Sometimes I have it with steel cut oats, sometimes eggs, sometimes alone.  This stuff is the best, you know it doesn't have to be refrigerated?  Of course who likes warm milk?  My point is we buy it in bulk and it stores till we're ready to have it chilled.

Italian Soda Bar:  our most recent RS activity finished with a soda bar.  I'll share that soon.  This is still on my floor, out, waiting to be put away!  I'm awesome!

BJ's Shopping:  This special little spot right here, in the kitchen heading down the stairs, is right where I put all of the items that need to go to the basement.  After I go to BJ's, and unload, a nice little pile grows right here.  The kids divide it up and carry it downstairs, like my little worker ants, and I organize that mess when I go downstairs.  I love buying in bulk, I love having extra on hand... and someday I'll have a larger pantry (mine is a sorry excuse for one) so I don't have to run down stairs so often. 

Packing Boxes:  It may seem premature, but it just isn't.  I have been packing up things we won't use in the next while, like books, Halloween dishes, photo albums, picture frames.  I want to do some purging as I go, get rid of stuff we don't use, or things I'd like to replace for our next home. 

Smell:  I just love the smell of autumn.  Spicy pumpkin, apple spice, cinnimon vanilla, these are the smells of our home this time of year.  I have a few candle warmers, but they just don't do it for me!  I'm all about the flame.  Burn baby burn, smell baby smell! 

Leaves:  Tuesday, Veteran's Day, was an amazing day.  The weather was summer-like, gorgeous!  M had the day off so we took the opportunity to rake leaves, put up lights, clean out the garage and basement.  The kids worked SO hard!  We promised them whatever they wanted from DQ, if they worked without complaint!  It was a long day!  We did so much, and when we were done we went to help our neighbor who was working alone.  We love her, it was great to help and it went so fast.  This fall has been amazing!

We also went to play at the park that same afternoon with our besties...

Our cute neighbor Helene thanked my kids with an ice cream cake!  They were soooo happy!