Starting School... Big Moments

This week we started school!  Have mercy!

This is a big year for us.  I now have 2 in middle school and 2 in elementary school.  Yes, all of my kids are now in school.  My last one went into big kid school this year.

Those last little droplets of 'little' are leaving my house.  Time will go faster and faster.  I can't think too hard about it or my heart cracks a little and my eyes start dripping tears!

Am I really here?  I keep asking myself that, it should sink in eventually right?
Stop!  I don't want time to keep going!  These are my favorite years... I'd even go back a few if I could!  I can't imagine loving life any more than I have and do now!  I don't want to let go of this.

I try, I really do, to live in the here and now, to love and live each phase and maybe because I do it's hard to let go.  But I keep telling myself I'm not letting go of anything, I'm adding to right?

In some ways yes, but in most ways I will never get back my kids being little and all of the joys I feel that have come with them being little.  Ohhhhhh, being a mom is THE best thing.  I'm so glad I have all my kiddies, that they are mine forever.

I'll flash you back just a little to E's pre-k graduation.

That was a sad day for me, because I knew I was transitioning to this... all my kids being in school.
I teared up a little there at his graduation, with a pit in my stomach, but it hit me the day we drove away from his little school for the last time.  I cried, but got to love this cute little boy too and that made me feel all better.

My sweet little boy was so excited to get on with it!
He is ready to be in big school!
This makes the transition a little easier.  Because I know he is excited I am less anxious, but still a little sad.

FF to last week.
We went to meet E's teacher and drop his supplies off a few days prior to school starting.  All the kids wanted to go.
I have much confidence knowing he has the same teacher O had last year.  She is fabulous!  He will love her!  He loved seeing his room and where he'd sit etc. and all of his siblings had advice and stories to tell.  Three of my four kids have been kindergartners in this very room!

We also checked out O's new room and saw where he'd be sitting.  He is so very excited to be in class with one of his very best friends Tyce!  Beyond excited!  It's almost like being in class with a brother.  AND, they sit right next to each other... until the teacher realizes that was a mistake!  I've warned him if he wants to keep that privilege he's got to behave!

O has had some nerves about the bus and I asked why, he'd done it for a year.  He told me yes, but G had been with him, he now has to be the 'big one' as he put it and that made him a little nervous!

Also prior to school starting we went to the middle school so G could set up his locker.  Again, everyone wanted to go.  The little boys thought it would be cool and Q was anxious so it was good to see her locker and walk her classes.
G is confident and although unsure of what is ahead, not nervous.
He is so different than his sister.  It's nice to have her do things first to answer all of his questions!  He will transition to middle school with ease.

(photo here)
We got all of his binders and supplies put away, added some baseball and hockey cards to the door and were done!  We practiced opening his locker then walking his classes.

Q has been fine with going into 6th grade, until the night before.  She had a hard time getting to sleep and was feeling nervous.

We had family prayer the night before (like we usually do) and asked for specific blessings for these kids on their first day.

And here they are!

Last year O had such a hard time waking up in the morning.  We got him an alarm clock and he is the man now!  Of course E can hear it too so they get up together.  They were ready so fast that first day!  So much adrenaline!  The big kids wanted to come see them off too and of course dad was there.

Our cute bus stop troupe!  These big girls help take care of my little boys, love them!

This just melted my heart... big brother walking little brother through it.
A lot of times E considers himself equal to O, not the little brother, that sometimes affects how his big brother treats him!  
I love seeing O in this role, as the caretaker.  It was so dang sweet!  He was telling him all about how to ride the bus and to not be afraid...

Man, I totally got choked up watching them get on the bus and drive away!  I was tempted to follow them over to the school, buuuut I have big kids to get off to school next.
They were ready early so we had a nice breakfast and chat time, then pictures.

She is so much taller than him!  They used to be so affectionate with each other, but now, not so much!

This cracked me up... I love this photo... G commented on Q's peanut butter breath...

As we left to start walking my Q started feeling sick and getting nervous.  Oh man...  As she started to tear up I asked what she was afraid of.  She said she wasn't afraid just nervous.  Heaven please help us I don't want to do a repeat of last year!  That is what ran through my head, but I was able to shove my fear aside and remind her of the truth.  I said to her, 'There is nothing in that school today that you won't be able to handle.  Be confident.  You have done this, you can do this.'  
Enough said.  The tears vanished, truth restored, back on track!
It helped that her 5th grade friend was walking up the street.  She will enjoy walking with her this year.  I think that really helped keep her mind off of what was ahead.

G had a couple of friends to walk with and he seemed as cool as a cucumber.
I loved my kids goodbye just before they walked across the field.  I love that my boy will still hug me, even in front of everyone... plus I don't care what they think and would smooch my kids even if they thought it was the most embarrassing thing in the world!  Glad they don't!

Here is the crew... they are all getting so big!

The sun was warm as I walked home, chatting with the girls.
I walked through my door and there it was waiting for me... the silence of an empty house.  
There. it. is.  
It was paralyzing for a good part of the day.  
I am a busy gal.  I've always got plenty to do... but I usually have someone with me!
I had my music on all day long to fill the empty air.

And, this was the best part of my day...

But I had to wait a good 45 minutes extra before I had that moment!  There are still kinks to be worked out!  The bus ride home was awful for all the kids on our street and these two thought they'd never get home... literally O said that to E!

Our first week is done and we have all survived!
E has told us that school gets more awesome everyday!  And the bus has gotten better too!
The big kids are feeling more familiar with their schedules and teachers and next week will of course be even better!

School year here we come!