Goal: Cook With My Kids (Easy Monthly Meal Planning)

Over the summer I mentioned making some goals.
I'm happy to report that I did, and there has been follow through, and success!

One of the goals I made for myself was to cook, and teach my kids to cook.
(Matt made a new goal to be home from work for dinner each night so we can eat together.)
I go in and out of phases where I do well at cooking, thennnnnn not so well.
It seems that prior to summer I was in the 'not so well' phase, and for longer than I care to admit!
I think our weekly menus consisted of shells and cheese from the box, tacos, pizza, tortellini and quesadillas... on repeat!!!

I don't feel suddenly inspired by a desire to get all culinary and creative.  Cooking still isn't something I enjoy.  I do it because it needs to be done!  Food doesn't excited me!

But, I have felt a call to my role, as a mother.  I want to do better and be better.  This is an area I can do that.

I am teaching my kids how to cook.  I am detaching from 'other' stuff to spend time with them.  I am feeding them with more than what we make, but with confidence, purpose, skill set and service.
After O made his dinner this week he said... 'This is an awesome dinner!  Thanks mom and Owen for this great dinner!'
He thanked himself!
I loved it.

How did I do it?
I'm totally going to tell you!

A little back story.  While flying home from UT I attempted to write down all of the meals we could make.  That didn't last too long.  I felt a little discouraged.

When we got home I totally remembered I had all of these in my recipe box.

I made and used these years ago.  We did an activity at church and a mom shared this system with us, as it worked for her many years.

You take 3x5 recipe cards and cut them in half.  On one side you write the meal, on the other side you write ingredients for your shopping list.

I like stuff to look cute so I put some scrap tape on these.  Washi tape is all the rage now, you could add a little color with that.

This system did work for me, for years actually.  I'd put some stick tack on the back and put them on my fridge, 14 at a time, for a two week menu.  

But then I stopped using them.

There was some serious rejoicing when I found them!
Ah, that made this so easy!
I have a ton of menu items that I've totally forgotten about, because I haven't cooked them for so long!  Slacker, I know!

With my meals in hand, I began with asking each child which day they wanted to help make dinner.
Each of them chose a day.  I have 4 kids and they each chose a day Monday - Thursday.
We left Friday's and Saturday's open because they always vary with dates, activities etc.
Sunday Matt is in charge of cooking.

I took out my pile of meals and had each of them choose 4 meals they wanted to learn how to cook, or enjoyed eating.

I wrote all of Q's on Monday, all of E's on Tuesday and so on...
In like, a minute, I had a month of dinners planned!

We have done amazing at this... for a whole month!
This next we'll chose again.  It will be fun to see if they want to repeat things or change it up.

I appreciate having a couple of days with nothing planned too.
Last night, for example I had a photo shoot and G wasn't home to help me with dinner sooner.  Dad took care of and easy dinner and G and I will make his soup tonight instead.

I am so proud of us!

I did not remake anything pretty for this for myself!  No way I'm taking the time to rewrite/type everything!

You can go work your magic with your recipe cards, OR you can use this printable I made... (png file) complete with tape!

Download it and type in your own meals, print it onto cardsock... they will look so cute, like this!
Be sure to add anything special you need on the back for grocery shopping.

... I did take photos of us all cooking together our first week.  Buuut those are on my camera... that I lost... I'm awesome!