Really? Really.

I don't watch Saturday Night Live anymore... I guess I'm old and have lost my sense of humor because I just find it mostly crude now days...  Although I will say if Justin Timberlake hosts I'll give it a shot... he is so funny!

BUT, back in the good ol' days Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers did  a segment on the news portion called Really.

I'd like to rock my own little portion of that today for you all.

- After my hard work on this fabulous wreath, finding a spot for it out on my porch, I found myself in an all out brawl with the Robin's of my neighborhood.  They would not stop setting up shop... right at the top of my wreath!  Really?  Really.

I was out there every 7 minutes Monday morning tearing out new pieces of nest!
They just didn't get it... of course, neither did the smart human, who fought them for a good 20 minutes... before I realized I'd have to take my wreath down!

I love birds, I really do... I'll even take on the squirrels for them so they can feed at my feeders, but I've got my limits!  Get off my pretty wreath!  I'll put it up later this week, hopefully the procreating birds have found a new, more discreet place to make home, in the trees, why not in the trees?

- Speaking of procreating... tonight I had the puberty talk with my 11 year old.  Not quite the 'sex talk' although we did talk about it in bits.  It was puberty.  I have to sign 'the waiver' for her to participate in this section of school.  I wanted to talk to her first, after I saw what would be presented to her.

I'm all about teaching my kids about their bodies.  The human body is amazing and, in my opinion, isn't respected as much as it ought to be.  I'm not embarrassed talking about the changes her body will go through with puberty... I'm not even squeemish telling her about 'sex', really.  It's matter of fact, it's matter of respect and timing and I'm ok talking about it... in the appropriate place, with the appropriate people, at the appropriate time!  Buuuut, telling her about 'the one eyed snake'... in it's erect state... this part of boy puberty is a whole other story!

Really?  Really.

She is 11.  Does she really need to see and know about boy puberty at this state?  I guess they will all see her go through puberty, it will be written all over her chest!  All is fair right?

Really?  Ug...  As I'm searching the Anatomy/Physiology book for explanation of the male body she says... 'Mom, I don't want to see it'.  Believe me honey we've all said the same thing! :)

We got through it!  She asked some questions, I told her all about the video she'd be seeing, we laid some rules down, we talked some more and we're good to go.  I do have confidence in the factual way things are presented by the school and I have confidence we can talk about what she understands (which at this point is pretty much her body changing) and may have questions about.

I feel like being armed with truth empowers us.  I want to teach her truth, whole and complete, which includes the 'why' of so many things.  Teaching her about her body, boys bodies, the human body creating another human body is nothing to be embarrassed about.  I want her to respect her body and demand respect from others regarding her body.  I want the same for my boys.  If I want that for them I'm gonna have to teach them!  Really.

- And speaking of puberty and menstrual cycles and the like... I sure wish I had a couple of tampons in the house right now... they'd go right. up. my. nose. to stop the incessant dripping that would apparently be allergies!  Turn it off!!!  Really?  We're talking about tampons?  Really!

Since I don't have any I'm just doing this... I'm sure I look as good as Jennifer Aniston right now!

- Thank the maker for Mirena right?  I haven't had a cycle since Emerson... I don't even know how to teach my girl about all of that right now!  Really?  Really!

Ok, enough of the body talk!

- If you'd have walked into my house around 1 pm today, you would've seen me on my couch bawling like a baby!  Really?  I don't watch TV in the middle of the day... but I did today... (I feel like crap... really.)

Why was I crying so?  Because I was watching Gray's Anatomy and I'm just so sad about Christina leaving.
Really?  Yes really!  I have invested many hours with these people!  They have become my friends!!!

- Speaking of friends, my cute friend Katie met with the missionaries from our church (with Melissa and I) on Monday!  It was so fabulous!  We are visiting again on Friday.  Love her!  Love missionary work!  Really?  Really!

- After sitting on my bed for three days I finally got the laundry folded!  Really?  Really.  Now I'll have to go back to using blankets to cover me at night! :)

- I hope they've shocked the pool at the JCC as of late because I'm swimming laps tomorrow and I look forward to the cleansing of my sinuses with that workout!  Really?  Really.  We'll all be swimming with my snot!

- I helped host a baby shower for one of my most dear friends on Saturday... she's such a good friend that I didn't even get her a gift!  Really?  Really.  I'm that lame!  You can always tell just how much I love you by how thoughtless I am towards you!  All of my best friends can attest to that!

Here is our pregnancy prom picture.  Am I really posting that?  Really!

Have a really great day!