Free Swim Suits from Sammy Dress!

Next month is June!  Are you ready for summer yet?
I'm not quite there... I'd be happy for spring to stay for a minute!
I did get to pull out my swimsuits when we went to FL and it was good to say hello to them!

This week I'm teaming up with Sammy Dress to give away two pieces of swimwear... for those of you that are already basking in sun!  Yea!

Have you checked out Sammy Dress yet?  See their swimwear here.

Sammy Dress is giving away a suit to two of my fabulous readers!
Here is a look at the suits.  What do you think of the high-waisted trend that is upon us this year?  It's retro.  It's fun!

Not so into these suits?  That's just fine, enter anyway and you can go ahead and choose a suit up to $20 from this selection... Sammy Dress Swim.  Awesome!

There are a ton of cute suits to choose from.  Here are some that I like and may add to my own collection this year!

Story: I was watching 'The Mindy Project', I think season 1, and there is that episode where she is trying to get in shape... to wear a bikini.  Danny asks her why she doesn't just wear one of those skirts?
Her response to him was somthing to the effect of... What?  I'm not a mid-thirties mother who has given up on life!!!!
I busted out laughing, then thought... is that what people think of me?  Gasp!
Make no mistake!  I have not given up on life, and I'm in dang good shape!  That is not why I choose to wear my boy shorts or little dresses, or skirts!

I did a post last year about my SWIM STYLE... but at it's most core my faith in my covenants (promises) is what dictates my choices... and that applies to swimwear as much as anything else in my life!

Buuut, if I were a bikini-wearing babe, I do think this selection is cute...
That strappy one is faaabulous!

This giveaway will stay open for two weeks...
a Rafflecopter giveaway