Skirt of Roses, CCMakesStuff Giveaway and My Faith

Hello friends!
Happy Sunday!  Do you rest on Sunday's?  Recover?
I need some recovery today!  

One of my Sunday rituals... when the sun happens to be shining... it sitting on the floor, in that little square foot of sunshine, to study.  Mostly I study my scriptures, sometimes other books.
My butt starts to fall asleep, but I hate getting up, because that is always where the sun is the warmest!

It is good to have quiet time, thoughtful time, time to connect, find my center again, before I head into another week.

Here is a Sunday look for you!
Yep, there is still snow on the ground.  Blah!

 This hair style sort of reminds me of the mother's/son's hair in Psycho!

shirt: Papaya, cardi: +Marshalls, skirt: +DownEast Basics, shoes: TJMaxx

AND, today I have a treat for you!
I just added this necklace to my store this week, and I'm going to give one away to a fabulous reader!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This week I was standing in line at BJ's, our wholesale store.  The cashier asked the lady in front of me why she was buying the items she was and she replied that it was a purchase for church.
He asked what church she attended.  She answered.
He said he was looking for a new church.
They talked and she told him where she went.  Then she left.

As I pulled my stuff up I told him that after he was done looking at her church he should come visit mine!
He asked what church I belonged to and I told him... I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I told him where our building was and he asked what we believed.
I answered that we are a Christian denomination, that much of what we believe is so similar to what he believes.  
We continued to talk about a few specifics, as much as we could until my order was complete.

I invited him to come to church!
Did you know that any LDS worship service you attend, anywhere in the world is the same?  The doctrine, the meetings, the materials used it is all the same... whether it be in Africa, or Tennessee!
Most congregations are family oriented, but I told this young man about the young, single adult group that meets just after our congregation meets.  
It's pretty cool to be able to worship and learn with people that are in the same age range as you, facing the same issues as you.  It's a great place to find strength in faith, with others that don't have a family of their own yet.  I told my new friend about the missionaries and gave him my business card, because that is all I had on me!

Do you have friends that are LDS (Mormon)?  Have you asked them what they believe?  Thoughts?

If you are curious about our beliefs you can, of course ask me or any other member of the church, or missionaries your questions.  

If you want just an anonymous glimpse into our teachings I invite you to go to next weekend.  Our worldwide General Conference will be broadcast all over the world and all of the members of our church will be listening to speakers both Saturday and Sunday.  It is such a treat!

Where does this even come from?  What is a General Conference?
We believe that the same church Christ established while He was on the earth has again been restored!
BUT, even before He established His church, even before His birth, His prophets held keys of the priesthood, prophesied of His coming, called the people to repentance, and led and taught them.  

With this restoration we believe that we again have a living Prophet on the earth today, as well as 12 apostles, called of God.  We believe they hold the same Priesthood keys that were held historically.  We believe they are the mouthpiece of God.

This Conference is our time to gather, and listen to their counsel, feel uplifted by their messages, and learn from them.
It is such a blessing that we don't have to travel somewhere to hear them and see them!  Their reach is so far with media today.  It's awesome!

So, if you're the least bit curious, listen!
I'm not a betting woman, but if I were, I would wager that you come away feeling more optimistic about life, motivated to live better and perhaps, even an answer to something you've been searching for.
You be the judge!  We may all be crazy, but we are certainly happy about it! :)

There are 2 sessions both on Saturday and Sunday: 12 pm and 4 pm Eastern