Squatting to Pee and Sparkles with Animal Print

Holy Blizzard Batman!
We have an official blizzard happening here today in Western NY.  It's crazy!  It's freezing!
We'd be smart to stay home and have been for most of the day.  Matt had to go into work and we did go over to the church with some friends to run around and play.  Getting to and from the building was enough to make my hands tingle... as I was getting feeling back into them!
The wind is so strong and the snow is so light that driving home felt a little like I wasn't moving at all, the whole time, until I saw tail lights in front of me, when I was a foot behind the car in front of me!  I really couldn't see right in front of me!  It took us a while, but we made it!
The sun is actually peeking out right now, it's beautiful... since we're inside, all snug and warm.
 Can I just complain for a minute... thanks... on the unfairness of having to squat to pee?
My toilet seats are frozen right now!  We need better insulation because all of our toilets are near outer walls, and they are all freezing when I sit my arse down... I hate having to pee right now!  Unfair!
Also, how unfortunate are 1) public toilets... then 2) when you aren't done peeing, and the little sensor flushes the toilet so kindly for you, giving you a be day spray of what you just deposited into the toilet?  Unjust I tell you, unjust having to squat to pee!
Speaking of the crochal area...  I'm not sure I'm enjoying how that looks on these otherwise fabulous pants!  Something just isn't looking right.  I needed the waist of my top to drop lower... but here is the look anyway, with all of it's imperfection!

I haven't been posting this linkup for the last couple of weeks, but I think I'm ready to jump in again.  What do you say?  Are you in?
Link up and inspire me for next week!

Show me your fab looks... I'd love to feature you!  I'd love for you to inspire me... and others!
Please follow me either via GFC or Bloglovin'.  Thanks much!
Grab a button to put on your blog somewhere, or link back... (we all meet more people this way.. yea!) and jump on in!
If you are inspired by a look and post about it, let me know... I'd love to show it!
Perspective} Inspire Me LinkUp  
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