Our Christmas Card... and bits from the month

I can't believe how quickly this month is cruising by.

I have to admit defeat... I've been awful this month... no magical moments created by me.

Our advent tree was opened the first two days, and not another day since.
Mother of the year, I know!

We've watched Christmas movies and baked cookies and read stories, but I have really dropped the ball this year as far as doing something every day the month of December... fail!

I swore to my husband this would be my make up year and I'd get all of our Christmas cards out.  Last year I sent them out as I got them... but decided I was done part way through, sorry to those of you who didn't get one!

Again, not really pulling it off this year!  I'm working on it today so I won't admit defeat yet!
I did create our card and should get some points for that!
Here it is!  Merry Christmas to you my blog readers!
I feel a little better now... someone will get to see this!

We have officially started Christmas break!
We intend to watch movies, do puzzles, play the computer, eat good food, play with friends and enjoy our time as a family.
I'm sure there will also be fighting unless we get out!  There will also be crafting, chores, reading and instrument practice, just so we don't become giant blobs of laziness!

Here is what we've been up to thus far... some snippets of our month...

Buying and decorating our tree.  The buying was fun, always is, complete with hot chocolate and doughnuts.
The decorating ended blissfully as you can tell by G and E's face.  What a joyful season! :)

Letters to Santa.  This was the second and last advent we did!  At least we did this!
Some of the items on the lists include, ipads, ipods, treasure (E), animals, jewelry.
I bought myself new jammies and have been lounging in them way too often!  Shawn calls them my Hugh Hefner jammies!  Do you like jammy sets?
The kids decided to pile up all of the stuffed animals in our house so I could take a picture of them.  Too bad they weren't ready to donate any of them to our stuffed animal drive.  It looks like too many to me!
The oldest of the bunch is that large teddy bear in the back.  Matt bought that for my 19th birthday.  We have pictures of little baby Q with it, when it was bigger than she was.  We'll keep that one for forever!
The kids played with these babies a few weeks ago.  They created little beds for them, babysat them etc.  It was pretty cute.  E just couldn't let it go and carried this little baby Olivia around with him for days!  He slept with her and took care of her!  He told me he knows she's not real, but he thinks she's so cute!  Here they are together coloring.  I told Matt we should get him a new doll for Christmas!!!  He didn't like that!
A couple of weeks ago I stepped onto the matt in front of our sink and it slipped right out from under me, about fell on my kiester!  I wondered who in the world spilled and didn't clean it up.  Come to find out we had a giant leak under our sink.  It was a fast leak.
Matt got back there to fix it and we discovered our pipe nearly disintegrated.  Nice.
Glad this A list-er is also a B list-er in plumber form! 
He fixed it right up, after getting thin shards of metal in his finger.
And, can you tell he loves it when I take his picture... especially when he knows where it's going! :)
My little craft fair was good.  It's quite shocking how much inventory I have!  You'd never know by looking at my little online stores!  I have a goal to get my Etsy store back up over this break.