Music Love, and My Own Self Discipline

Today is a good day...  The sun came out and was shining. 
That makes me happy, that simple thing, the sun on a winter day... makes me happy!

Before I get to my thoughts on running...
I'm totally obsessed with this song right now.  It is on my Christmas playlist, it also makes me happy, give it a listen!  Don't you love finding new artists and music.  I so love great music.


On to running.

Here is an ugly truth for you...  I've not been running since last week.  I'm a rock star, I know!
I ran a total of '1 times' last week!  I did jump around my living room two days, along with doing sit-ups and a little bit of free weights.

That has been my average-ish since the half marathon!

I've told myself it is ok.  I've been busy, it's good to have a break.
But, is it really a break if it drives you crazy not doing it?

On top of that my pants seem to be getting tighter and tighter and I feel extra things jiggling as I run up the stairs!

I was looking at photos of myself, recently, from this past summer and the summer prior.  Yes, there is a difference, maybe not to you the on-looker, but definitely to me (about 5lbs worth)!  I gotta say, I'm not too happy about where I am right now... AND where I really want to be is where I was 2 years ago... (10 lbs worth!)

I've been running consistently over the past year.  I know it is my eating that has changed.

The biggest upset to me, about me, right now, is my lack of self discipline!  I have it, but in spots, not wholly, not in all the realms I want it.

I like to have control and feel in control, even if it's just in snippets, over something small. 
Me, making a choice to run, makes me feel good for many reasons, and one of those is that I'm making a choice to do it.  I am in control, I have self discipline.  And I reap the rewards, and all the endorphins for that choice! :)

I seem to have let myself get into this whirling dervish of a habit with food.  I really do eat whole and well during the day, for the most part.  It is my choice to stay up late at night... and eat!  Grrrrr.  And, it's not so bad, I look fine.  I seem to not really think it matters as much as I once did!

I'm not only upset about the increase in my 'curves' and the vanishing of my muscles, I'm upset that I'm drifting, floating, careless, not being intentional about my health.  It's not as much about what I look like as much as what I feel like.  It is totally rewarding to live with intention... in so many realms! 

I need to make some changes, for me!

H.P. Liddon said:
What we do upon some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are; and what we are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline.

I won't be back in training mode for a bit, I need to make some racing goals for the new year.
But, I'm back at it this week, running, just an easy 4 or 5 miles, every day, I need that!

And, the best gift I can give to myself is to answer the desire within myself.  I want to be intentional, so do it!  Today I have, and it feels great!

No man is free who is not master of himself.
I will write of him who fights and vanquishes his sins, who struggles on through weary years against himself... and wins.
-Caroline Begelow LeRow