Best of 2013: Running... and running goals for 2014

I like to make goals, to help me achieve, and to give me something to look back at.  It gives me a sense of where I've traveled to, what progress has been made, and it gives me information as I make new goals.
This post was my New Year's post from 2013.
Here is what I wrote in the case of running...
Goal #3  RACE... set new records!
- I've already committed to run this Ragnar ULTRA!  It is in June!  188 miles divided between 6 runners!  All of the runners are elite, ran or qualified for Boston!  We average around 40-ish miles each.  It will be a challenge!  I love a good challenge!
- Olympic distance Triathlon... don't know which yet.
- Marathon.  I may run the same as last year.  I'd already be trained after Ragnar.  I may run the Wine Glass in the fall, still haven't decided.
Actual execution was different than what my goal set was, but I appreciate where I started and the goals that I was setting at that time.
I ended up not running the ultra.  The team didn't come together.
No Olympic Tri either, the timing didn't work out with training.
I did run a marathon, and two halfs, that I didn't make a goal for.
So, pretty much I hit one of my goals.  I ran a marathon again.
Oh, but I also set new records for myself...
I'll give myself 2 out of 4.  I'm happy with that!
Let's look back at some highlights from 2013...
-The Truth About Running-  One of my first 'running' posts... this year I decided to blog more about my running.  It's always been a significant part of my life, yet I've not written much about it.  This year I decided to dedicate a day each week to writing about running.  I'm glad I have.
- Natalie entered my life!  She is the first friend that I've run with in years.  Read about that post here.  She has since moved again, down town and I don't think we've even gotten together since summer... blast!  Still, I know we'll get back together and hit our stride again.  So glad to have a running friend!
- Ran 5 miles barefoot along the beach in Punta Cana, DR.  Such a therapeutic run.  Loved it, needed it.
- PR'd my half this past spring running the Buffalo Half, then again this fall running the Philly Half.
- Ran my second marathon.  I hated my time, my calves totally locked up at the end.  It was a tough race for me.  BUT, I ran another marathon.  It's good to have a couple under my belt.
- This fall I set some new time records for myself, just out on training runs.  It felt good, and this next year is my year to hit some time goals!
Some favorite posts from this year (other than the one's on my sidebar)
My best tempo run...
Running Goals for 2014...
This is going to be a racing year for me! 
Run 2 marathons.  Spring and Fall. (Rochester or Buffalo in spring, Wine Glass in fall.)
Maybe a half while I'm marathon training, to see if I can hit my 1:30 goal.
Race both a 5 and 10k to update my PR's.
Olympic Tri and I think I'll do that this summer.
I want and intend to hit at 1:30 half marathon time as well as a 3:30 full marathon time.
I haven't thought about what times I'd like to hit on my 5 and 10K, but anything better than before will do!  These races are more for 'fun' with my focus on marathons.
I have learned that fall marathon training is tricky.  This is my busiest time with my photography.  BUT, I'm committed.  It will take some planning and some extra work, but I've been wanting to run Wine Glass.  I plan to register early to ensure my place.  That race fills fast.
Matt and I have talked about joining the JCC, they have workout facilities.  I'm mostly interested in the pool.  I'd like to start swimming again on a regular basis.  I also want to hone in a little more heavily on my strength training.  It's pretty light right now.
There you have it.  2014 is going to be a big race year.  I need to start saving my pennies!
Do you have running goals this year?