The Metal Clicker

5 things I'm thankful for...
The one gas station that has the little metal piece that keeps the gas running.  Really, I don't get it, why did we have to take all of those off?
It's getting cold now and it's a form of torture to have to stand by your car pumping gas while your being chilled to the bone!
I'm thankful for the Noco here on Transit that still has the little metal clicker holder thing!  You'll get my business all winter long!
No recess duty for me!
More wedding photos edited.
New friends, seriously... I'm meeting so many new friends online...  So nice to meet you!
Padded chairs as my butt has been sitting here for too many hours editing!
I wanted to get my running post up today, but just couldn't!
I will update my daily log tomorrow.
How are your workouts lately?  Have you slowed down with colder weather?

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