Parking and Nailed It

Some randoms...

Usually when I drive in the car with the kids we listen to church music.  We all like it and it makes us happy!  I have this CD that has some pretty rockin' versions of primary songs.  One of them is 'I Want To Be A Missionary'.  The song starts with the kids singing that over and over again.
We went to dinner a bit ago as a family.  This song came on and O says... we get it, we get it, you want to be a missionary! 

It totally made us laugh, caught us off guard!

It makes Matt so happy when others speak the thoughts in his head!  He thought that was pretty stinkin' funny!


I was at Target this week.  It's one of my 'happy places'.  I came out feeling all bright and shiny because I got some pillows on clearance, and some booties, that were an online purchase - returned by someone.  They are adorable, teal, and only cost me $10. 

Anyway... in my happy place and I go to get in my car... except I can't!
Really?  You couldn't back it up and try again?  Did you hit my mirror on the way in, because I about took it off on the way out!  Really!?  C'mon!
Look at all of the space my friend had... you could fit like a whole other car in there!!!

I had to get in the passenger side and climb over to my seat!  I had to laugh... it kept me from going to the p'd off place!


The first night the little's slept in their bunk beds they were so giddy!  I had shushed them a couple of times already because they were getting pretty rowdy!

I was in a different room and could hear them, still giggling in the dark.  They decided to play rock, paper, scissors.  They were each in their beds and they'd chant 'rock, paper, scissors, shoo (I don't get the last part, but whatever)... they'd laugh and say 'I'm doing rock', 'I'm doing paper', then laugh again as one of them won.  I'm surprised they weren't lying to each other.  They thought it was the greatest thing ever!  I loved it too!


Q and I went shopping for shoes last weekend.  She made it through a week w/o any crazy behavior... mostly... regarding going to school.  Her reward was a trip to Justice.  She'd been eyeing some boots.  I totally don't shop at Justice!  I get her tops with the label on it... from Marshalls! 

As we hunted we found some cute boots elsewhere, and she decided to get two pairs of shoes for the price of one pair of Justice boots. 

Yes, Daniel-son, you are learning!


I found the boys playing go fish the other day.  They played for like an hour!  It was awesome!  They were happy, no fighting, they were content... I had to photo the moment, because I love these!


I love Kristen Showalter!  She's had me over for lunch a couple of times and it was my turn to host just recently.  I wanted her to help me with my yard.  This woman blows air up my skirt all of the time, making me blush... BUT she, she has a green thumb, she has mastered this arena.  So, I asked her to come and help me!

I thought we'd talk about my yard, then eat lunch... nope!  She brought bags and bags of starts for me... AND her shovel!  Now that is a great friend!

We made a plan, then went to work!  We screeeeched like little girls as I moved some stacked wood and saw little critters darting!  Eeeeeeeeeewwww, grooooosssss!  She tried to chop a head off with her shovel and I begged her not to, not because I care if the vole lives or dies, but because it would be worse to actually see it!

This photo is nothing right now, but it will grow to be something this spring!  I'm excited!

This would be my 'nailed it' photo!
Molly told me to bring cake pops to PJ's baptism. 
I thought I'd try the truffle sort, you know, w/o the stick.
I'd made some the night before for the cake walk at the school.  They looked great... as rocks that I'd put in a pile of crushed oreo, for dirt!  Not pretty at all!
For the baptism I tried to do the melts more icing-like.  Fail!
With no time left I went back to the stick version... I know I can do that!

To end... leftover photos from Halloween.